-chapter 8-

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Luke's POV







The depressing thoughts were taking over my mind. The bad thoughts, putting me down. Constant pressure and hate. I was starting to forget the good things in life; the fun I used to have with the boys, the time I'd spend with my mum, my passion for music, my inspiration.

My daily routine was: get up, get ready for the concert, eat then sleep. I wasn't exploring the countries and cities we were in anymore. I wasn't doing anything I used to do. My performance levels had hit an all time low and no one seemed to notice. I would be snappy and angry all the time. I was just tired.

We had a day off today. Calum and Ashton wanted to go exploring, Michael wanted to do some gaming. That left me, with doing nothing. I had no other friends out of the band and One Direction. I went into town and bought a pencil sharpener. The thing was, I didn't buy it for sharpening pencils. Michael was the only in the hotel in LA. My Mum was out taking photos or whatever she does. I felt a little bit hyper. I was going to do this. I came back, making sure Michael was in his room. I detached the blade from the plastic sharpener. I left for the shower, locking the bathroom door behind me. I undress myself, examining my body.


I start to shake as I get the blade and pick it up. I slide it along my thigh. Not too deep, but enough to get small beads of blood appear. I take a deep breathe and grab my phone and start playing some All Time Low, at the loudest volume my phone could go. I start to cry as I cut more and more.


You deserve this.

The voices in my head escaping into my actions. I shiver and shudder. I continue to sob. The music so loud, my head was pounding.

Ashton's POV

Calum and I started to head back to the hotel after a fun day with fans, exploring and a lot of food. I wasn't too keen on the whole, "let's eat every junk food that we see" idea. But it made Calum happy. I wonder how Luke was going. We would have small talk only, he would ask me how I was going then the conversation was over before I could ask about him. Michael would be the one Luke talked to anyway.

Michael's POV

After I had lost the round I was playing, I got up for a piss. When I get there the door is locked, which was weird. Luke went in there almost two hours ago. I call out his name but got no response. I call around the house, no reply, no note. I then text him. His phone went off in the bathroom. I can't pick locks, so I ran into the door serval times until it came loose and opened. At first I smiled because I've always wanted to do that, but then my expression quickly changed as I saw an unconscious Luke lying on the floor in nothing but boxers, blood on his hands and thighs, and a blade next to him. I panic and try to wake him up. He makes a small sound so I grab some water in my hands and splash it over his face. I never paid attention when we learnt this at school. I decide to call Calum, as Luke wasn't in serious condition to go to hospital.

"Hi, welcome to Telstra. Your call couldn't be taken at the moment because the balance of your account is low, please-" The Telstra Lady says before I hang up.

"Fuck," I mumble, putting my phone away.

Then, he coughs. Luke coughed. I pulled him up so he was against a wall. By now I was shaking. He had scared me. I leaned him against the door so he didn't fall the other way. I get a wet towel and wipe his cuts clean.

Why did he do this?

Has he done it before?

He coughed again and slowly opened his eyes.

"Luke! Thank God, you fucking dick!" I exclaimed, running my fingers through my hair.

"What the fuck happ- oh fuck!" He said hitting himself on his forehead.

"Luke," I said sternly. He started to cry. "Look at me."

He didn't budge.

"Luke," I say.

He looks up and snaps, "What?"

"W-why?" I say shivering.

"It's... it's a long story Mikey. I'll tell you later," He says, finding a shirt to put on.

"I'm an idiot," I say.

"What?! No you're not! Why do you say that?" He asks sitting against the bathtub next to me.

"I didn't look after you. You could have died and I'd end up being the stupid friend who didn't notice because he was playing computer games," I take a breath. "Luke why?"

"Michael that isn't important. You need to promise me that you won't tell anyone, at all. Not even Calum, not my Mum, not our manger and defiantly not Ashton," He held out his pinky finger.

I shook my head, "Luke, I have to tell someone. You can't keep on-"

"Please," He pleaded, tears swelling back into his eyes. I took his finger and he gave me a big hug before I grabbed him a glass of water and we both cleaned up the mess.

Well there's another secret to add to the list.


favourite songs rn

terrible things - mayday parade

props and mayhem - pierce the veil

time bomb and lost in stereo - all time low

heartbreak girl - 5sos (forever my favourite)

to die for - tonight alive

I have a lot I know buuuut,



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