I'm Low on Gas and You Need a Jacket

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okay so this is my new lashton story (:


Ashton's POV

I can't believe it. We're going on tour with One Direction. This is crazy! My band, well not really my band. But the band I'm in, 5SOS, is going on tour with the biggest band in the world! I was travelling around the world with my three best friends.
I go this morning. We're travelling to London! I've always wanted to go there. I double check I've packed everything and wheel my suitcase out to the car. I say goodbye to my brother and sister, and my mum drives me to the airport. We meet up with Luke and his mum.
"Oh hey Ashton," He said.
"Excited?" I asked.
"Nervous," He mumbled. Luke hates planes, and we're going to be on one for 24hours doesn't make it much better for him.
"It'll be okay," I said.
"Will you, uh, sit with me," He asked.
"Of course I will!" I said.
Calum soon came, Michael being late as usual. We checked in and went through customs and stuff. We had fifteen minutes before the plane came so I went and got myself some chips and sat down next do a pale Luke.
"Did you take air sickness tablets?" I asked and he nodded.
"How can you eat chips right now?" He asks.
"Because I'm hungry. Luke it'll be okay. Just get some sleep on the plane. Okay?" He nodded.


Luke's POV

My stomach was in knots. I felt like I was going to be sick. I hate planes so much. Ashton loved them. Just breathe Luke. Breathe. Oh no, first class started boarding. I was shaking. I was so scared.
"You okay there Lukey?" Calum asks.
"Uh, uh, yeah," I said.
"He hates planes Cal! You should know that," Ashton said. Somehow, Ashton voice just made me feel better.
We were now boarding.
"You know, I'll just get a boat, I like boats."
"Yeah see you there in a few months," Ashton said to me.
He grabbed my hand. Oh my god.
"Come on it won't be that bad!" He reassured me.
We get our passports checked then walk onto the massive plane. Ashton walked ahead of us, I walked behind us.
This plane is so big, how will it not fall out of the sky?
We got out of the heat, into the nice cool plane. Calum and Michael had taken there seats but Ashton was talking to a flight attendant. I got greeted on by the captains.
I went behind Ashton and waited for him to finish talking to the lady. He turned around and put and arm around me.
"Luke it's not that bad. The kind lady has gone to get some fizzy drink for you, apparently it helps," He smiled.
I hugged him. Which was probably a pretty gay thing to do, but I tried to make it look like I wasn't into him.
"Thank you Ash," I smiled.
The lady came back with some lemonade and we found our seats. I had the window seat.
Me and Ashton talked the whole first hour. And it went pretty quickly. Then Ashton told me to get some sleep. The plane lights dimmed and Ashton closed his eyes and rolled himself into a ball.
I looked at him. He was so cute. I soon fell asleep.

"Luke," Ashton hit me.
I woke up.
"Oh yeah what?"
Ashton had a meal in front of him. Oh no, I hated when the food came out. The cabin filled with an awful smell of plane food.
"I know you don't eat on planes, but do you want any of mine?" He asked.
Should I? Or will I throw it up. I was feeling so sick and bad.
I shook my head and went back to sleep.

I woke up every few hours, and I had to go to the bathroom to make sure I didn't throw up every time I woke up. Ashton would be sleeping or watching a movie. Fifteen hours on a plane is so long, I couldn't take it. I got so bored. I leaned against Ashton, he was so warm. I wrapped myself in the blanket and fell asleep on his shoulder.

"Wake up Lukey," I feel Ashton shaking me.
"What?" I moaned.
"We're landing," He said.
Oh great. The plane slowly dropped, teasing my stomach. We landed safely and got off the plane for a three hour stop at Dubai. Their airport was hot and I felt dizzy. I ran to the bathroom and was sick in there. Oh great. This was just great. I came out of the bathroom after cleaning myself up at the sinks and saw Ashton standing in the line for McDonalds.


Ashton's POV

I hated seeing Luke like this. He just looks so tired and sick and pale. I feel sorry for him. Not many people liked planes. But what was there not to love? Food, movies and when you got off the plane, you're somewhere cool. Luke just freaks out and gets me worried. I feel a head on my shoulder and turn around to see Luke.
"How are you feeling?" I ask.
"Meh," He replied shrugging his shoulders.
He was so gorgeous. His perfect blonde hair, stood up in a quiff. I could swim in his blue eyes. His skin was, well pale now, but normally it was perfect. He was taller then me and he had the best style in clothes.
I put an arm around him. Just friendly, though. I didn't want him to think I liked him in that way, he would freak out, or quit the band, or maybe even kick me out.

We were now all eating my Macca's chips, well except Luke, he had a one small chip and that was it. As soon as we finished the plane started to board again. It was the same plane with the same seating arrangements. Luke went into the window seat, while I sat next to the poor shaking thing. We took off and I instantly fell asleep. I slept for almost the whole trip, I only woke up when food came out and one hour before the plane landed.
"Hey Lukey," I whispered.
"Hi Ash," He replied.
"How are you going?" I ask.
"Better," He breathed out.
"Well we've only got one more hour," He smiled at my comment.
Then we both tried to go to sleep, Luke cuddled against my arm. He was so cute. No, stop it Ashton, I can't have feelings for a member of the band.

The seatbelt light turned on and I woke Luke up. He saw the seatbelt sign and looked at me. I nodded and he smiled. Like a really massive smile. After a whole day of flying, we were finally getting off. The plane sped up and we finally hit the ground. We had made it to London. Luke was looking out the window.
"Excited?" I said.
"Very!" He said back, getting a piece of chewing gum out.


hi guys, sorry that was kinda a boring chapter to start off with, but it'll get better I promise!!

sorry if I got the plane stuff wrong, I completely forgot what happens.

well please vote, like, whatever, read and yeah! I'll be updating soon

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