chapter 16

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Luke's POV

"So how can we, well make these lyrics sound less gay," Michael says to me.

"Fuck off," We both laugh.

"No but really."

Ashton's POV

"I miss Luke," I complain.

"For fuck sake Ashton get over yourself. I'm sick of hearing about you missing your little gay boyfriend why don't you two just fuck off to a rainbow," Calum snaps at me.

We stood there for a moment and start laughing.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry!" I laugh.

"Thank you. I've been putting up with that for four fucking hours."

"Sorry, so who was the guy we were supposed to be meeting?" I ask.

"No idea, I only got an address," He pulls out his phone and looks that the address the management had given them.

48 George Road.

Calum and I were stranded in the middle of a suburb of London. We had never been here before so we were lost. We walk up and down the street trying to find something, but there was no number 48.

"We have to be in the right street," I say. "Where's the sign?"

We walk to the end of the street.

It read George Street.

"See I told you," I say pointing to the sign.

"Fucking hell Ashton. Its George Road not George Street!" He tugs at his hair.

"Oh, sorry."

Luke's POV

"Do you think he misses me?"


"What if he's trying to call me, my phone ran out of charge?"


"Michael these song lyrics suck," I say. I knew i was annoying Michael.

"You wrote them you idiot."

"I know but like, you try and make a song out of them."

"Well I could think of a few things," He says writing on the paper. "Instead of i want to be beside you how about we have, i wish i was beside. Annnddd you're the reason, the only reason. without you im a lost gay wanker."

"Fuck you," I say, I sigh again.

My thoughts were everywhere, there was too many. Does he really love me? Will I break his heart? Will he break my heart? Is he just doing this out of pity?

Michael and I decided to go back home to which we found an annoyed Ashton and Calum playing fifa.

"Why are you guys here? You were not supposed to be home for another hour or two," Michael asks as I quietly leave the room to go to my own.

"We got lost," I hear Ashton say.

See? Not even grateful that I'm home.

I close my bedroom door and fall onto my bed. I felt like crying. Why did I always feel like crying? I just needed a hug from my boyfriend so fucking bad.

I hear the door open but I don't turn my head to look at who it is.

"Luke," I hear Ashton say. His voice was so soft.

I don't move. He soon crouches down next to me and rests himself onto the bed so our eyes were in line with each other.

"Don't pull this shit on me," He says. "What's wrong?

"I'm tired and I missed you," I frown, talking into my pillow.

"I missed you too. Actually a lot," He starts getting onto the bed an wraps an arm around me. "Calum got pissed because I wouldn't shut up about you."

I laugh quietly and cuddle into his chest.

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