Chapter 1

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Several months had gone by since you joined Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College.

"Rock. Paper. Scissors!"
"Rock. Paper. Scissors!"

You looked down at Itadori Yuji's hand, he had chosen 'rock' but so did you. The two of you exchanged death stares. Everyone's hearts were racing as adrenaline kicked in full force.

"Rock. Paper. Scissors!"
"Rock. Paper. Scissors!"

Kugisaki Nobara was standing on the sidelines, watching intently. She was clenching onto her fists so tight her knuckles were turning white from lack of blood circulation. No doubt she was clenching with excitement, who would be the winner this time?

Fushiguro Megumi, on the other hand stood silently as he watched also. By the look on his face, he was quite annoyed. "Why can't you two just take turns? This is such a waste of time."

"Don't be such a party pooper, Fushiguro." Kugisaki placed her hands on her hips as she continued to watch you and Yuji in your little game "This is obviously way more fun."

"HAH?!? ROCK AGAIN?!" Yuji shouted loudly.

"Stop choosing the same thing as me!!"


"Hurry up and let's end this already!!"

"Rock. Paper. Scissors!"
"Rock. Paper. Scissors!"

You've never witnessed such a beautiful sight before. Your hands were in the form of scissors and Yuji's, paper. You pretended to cut his paper hand with your scissor fingers as you jumped for joy. His eyes widened with disbelief. He stood, completely frozen, unable to accept his defeat.



"A win, is a win." You placed a hand on your hip as you leaned in towards him to poke him in the chest, "Now, eat. The. Damn. Finger!"

Itadori Yuji was just a normal guy living a normal life just several months ago and you, you were just a normal girl trying to live a normal life. Unlike Yuji, you were able to see unusual creatures since childhood. They never really did bother you and eventually you stopped being scared of them.

After joining the occult club at his normal high school, Yuji found himself in a series of unfortunate events that led him here. From his grandfather passing, to his club members almost getting killed by a curse, to him swallowing one of Sukuna's many fingers while fighting along side Fushiguro Megumi.

Similarly, somewhere down southwest of Sendai in Fukushima your traumatic childhood past comes back to haunt you in the form of a sealed cursed object that you just so happened to stumble upon unexpectedly. Curses which had never bothered you before began to attempt to take your life. You never really knew about curses or jujutsu sorcerers. You thought you were just a girl who saw ghosts. You somehow managed to figure out how to deflect these said monsters attacks. You're not too sure why or how you did it, it was almost like an invisible force that you released from within. During that night you were fighting for your life you ended up swallowing the cursed object and it just so happens that it was one of Sukuna's many fingers as well.

Thus, leading you and your now good friend Itadori Yuji to join jujutsu tech as Sukuna Ryomen's vessel(s).

Yuji grimaced at the finger now held out to him. You waved it back and forth in his face, "Don't even think about it. Just swallow without chewing."

"Easy for you to say! You're not the one that has to eat it!!"

"You make like I haven't had my fair share already!! Come on it's not THAT bad!"

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