Chapter 18

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The first thing you noticed was the intense pounding in your head and your parched throat. You groaned softly while rolling over onto your back. It didn't take you long to realize that you were in your room. You sighed, continuing to stare up at the ceiling, still seeing that same crack that you kept telling yourself to fix months ago.

You sat upright and placed your hands on the temples of your head as you waited for the head rush to pass. Waking up in your room and not knowing how you got there was something you definitely did not want repeated. Your hands dropped back down to your sides as you tried to recall last nights events but everything seemed hazy.

There were some vague recollections that flipped through your mind, such as a stuffed toy resembling Gojo and also a fuzzy image of you sitting on his lap made your face burn with heat. You snorted and shook that thought away thinking about how silly and delusional it seemed. Feeling a bit skeptical you decided to look around your bed and immediate surroundings to make sure that the miniature Gojo didn't exist.

"What a weird ass dream." You mumbled to yourself.

It was now Sunday and the Kyoto bunch weren't scheduled to leave until tomorrow

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It was now Sunday and the Kyoto bunch weren't scheduled to leave until tomorrow. Everyone was scattered across the campus, either still sleeping, mingling or completely hung over and likely puking somewhere.

You gathered your legs at your chest and wrapped your arms around them as you stared out into the river. You continued your steady in-and-out breaths while trying your best to ignore the throbbing in your head.


You looked up to see Yuta standing next to you. He was currently in his uniform which consisted of a untraditional white school jacket and belted pants. But it suited him well. He had his katana sheathed and slung around his shoulder by a strap.


The black-haired boy sat down next to you, spreading out his legs across the grass, "Thought I'd come by and say bye before I head out."

"You're leaving already?! But you just got here."

Yuta chuckled lightly and leaned a bit closer, "Well if I didn't have to find those darn fingers for you and Itadori then it wouldn't be an issue."

"Forget the fingers." You pouted, "They taste like crap anyway. Plus, if all of them are retrieved... that means me and Yuji will have our death sentence."

The black-haired boy's expression blanked, he could never allow such an unreasonable thing to slide. If anything, he couldn't even imagine it, it was unthinkable. But he too was in a similar situation at one point. All the reason why he was more than empathetic.

"I'll never let you die. You or Itadori. I'll make sure of it."

His reassurance made you smile. Okkotsu Yuta was generally a quiet guy who likes to keep to himself. He was previously bullied in grade school. He was quite the loner until you broke him out of his shell. For this, he was truly grateful. Unfortunately, the higher-ups always sent him away over seas to complete tasks that only a special grade sorcerer could handle.

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