Omake (正直): Integrity

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"Fushiguro senpai!" Itadori grinned while waving

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"Fushiguro senpai!" Itadori grinned while waving. He was currently sipping on some type of soda in one hand while his other held a box of kettle corn, "Care for some?"

Fushiguro looked down at the popcorn held out to him but his hands remained rooted in his pockets, "No, thanks..."

The two first-year sorcerers were currently with Gojo in Harajuku to pick up the two new students.

"Why are we in Harajuku?" Fushiguro turned to question his mentor.

"Kugisaki Nobara requested to meet here." The white-haired male responded with a radiant smile, "Her and (L/N) should be arriving soon."

"Oh, is that the other vessel?" Itadori asked with his mouth full.


It was a sunny day out in the city. A lot of people were strolling by as they tended to their own business. Itadori continued his snacking and Fushiguro kept to himself, likely in deep thought. While Gojo enjoyed all the ogling eyes of the females in the immediate area.

"Hi, (L/N) (Y/N)! I'm assuming you are all from Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College?"

The three turned around to find you leaning close with your arms around your back. They were about to introduce themselves but some loud shouting close by caught everyone's attention.


"H-huh? What about you?"

A girl donning the jujutsu tech uniform could be seen some feet away. She appeared to be pestering a man in a business suit. Judging by their conversation, the man was likely a scouter for a modeling agency; probably one with questionable credibility.

"You're looking for models, right?" The brown-haired girl asked while pointing her thumb at herself, "I said, What about me?"

"U-uh, sorry! But I'm in a hurry!!"

The man with the side-comb hair then rushes to leave but the brown-haired girl snatched him by the collar of his suit, "Hey! Don't run away! Say something!!!"

"Is that the other new first-year?" Itadori asked, "How embarrassing..."

Fushiguro's forehead crinkled as he glowered at the pink-haired boy, who was wearing plastic character-shaped mock glasses and holding his snacks like they were prized trophies, "Look whose talking!"

You giggled while looking back and forth between the two boys. Itadori Yuji seemed a bit weird but he also seemed rather adorable and humorous.

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