Omake (強い): The Strongest

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You sauntered down the streets of your hometown in Fukushima

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You sauntered down the streets of your hometown in Fukushima. You weren't in a hurry to get home. You never were. You decided to take a side street, away from the city lights and away from the people who went on and on about themselves and how good they had it. You didn't give a damn fuck.

You continued your walk, only stopping when you spotted one of those ugly monsters again.

"Where do these things even come from?" You thought to yourself as you grimaced at it.

The said monster wasn't looking or paying attention to anything in particular. You thought it was strange how you could always see these things lingering around but for some odd reason it's as if they never ever noticed you. As if you were invisible to them.

You sighed looking up at the street light flickering above you. It seemed like you were in a scene from a horror movie, but you were unfazed.

Walking home alone in the dark. Seeing little monsters. Seeing big monsters. It was all normal. If anything, not seeing them at least once a day was out of the ordinary.

You plunged your hand into the bag slung around your shoulder, desperately digging for your phone. You felt something unusual and don't recall having anything in your bag except for your phone and wallet. You pulled out the strange object to examine it.

It was in the shape of a long cylinder, completely bandaged.

"What the hell is this?"

You began your trek home once more while you attempted to unravel the wrappings of the unknown item placed in your bag by god knows who. Once you discarded the last piece of the covering, an unsightly, rotted finger lay in your hands.


You sensed a heavy presence behind you and decided to see what the unsettling feeling was. Your eyes widened at the sight of not just one but multiple monsters charging towards you.

From what you've observed so far, the monsters were never able to see you. So, why all of a sudden were they all trying to gang up on you? Well, let's forget that thought for a second, cause girl, you gotta run. And you gotta run fast!

You bolted down the dim lit streets till you were dry heaving all the while things were flying in the air and getting broken behind you.

Why is this happening?!

Out of panic you missed your usual route and ended up at a dead end. You backed yourself up against the wall until you couldn't go any further, the ugly creatures closing in on you.

You began to cry and scream out of frustration and fear. You never had a perfect life. Your parents were horrible to you and they were never around for the most part. You were an outcast at school. You always felt like you had no control over your life and at times felt like life wasn't even worth living. But then why were you crying for your life now? The realization of wanting to continue living, hit you hard.

Through the fear and anger and resentment you held inside, an epiphany sparked. The cursed energy you harbored inside manifested into a barrier around you. The creatures stopped in their place, it was like you had vanished into thin air. However, you were still there. They just couldn't see you.

Just like all those days as a young child growing up. Your harbored feelings never presenting on your face. You were good at hiding how you truly felt. You kept your guard up, always, never wearing your heart on your sleeve due to many instances of getting hurt by family, friends, people you trusted.

In a few seconds the monsters were killed immediately in front of you. You sat there shaking, unable to comprehend what was going on. You sensed a strong presence looming around and followed the feeling of the pressure which was hanging above you.

A man dressed in black, donning a blindfold could be seen floating in mid-air. A confused look on his face. He hadn't seen you earlier and wondered where you came from. Your barrier had disappeared seeing as the monsters were all dead and your life no longer on the line.

He could tell you were scared by the way you were shaking, your body language and your expression. Other than that he couldn't sense anything else. Maybe a little bit of cursed energy.

He continued to look down at you in your crouched position, hands deep in his pockets, "Where is it?"

Your brows pinched together, "What?"

"The cursed object. Where is it?"

"I-I don't know?!?" Your eyes widened, he must be talking about the finger. You retraced your steps in your mind. Where had it gone?

Your eyes shot up at him, somewhere along the lines of you running away, you had held it in your mouth for safe keeping. You don't know why you did it and wish you had just discarded it if anything but during flight or fight situations, some people just can't think straight and do unreasonable things.

"I ate it."

The mysterious man dropped down to the ground in front of you. He leaned in close and stopped before your noses could touch.

"For real?"

You shoved his face away, "It was an accident! You think I would eat such a nasty thing like that?!"

Seeing as there was no imminent danger coming from the white haired man you straightened up and dusted off your clothes, "Who are you anyway?"

He leaned back a bit, tilting his head, a wide grin spread from one corner to the other.

"I'm, The Strongest."


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