Chapter 6

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The sun was dawning a bright glow through the window pane of Fushiguro's bedroom. The warm rays kissing his face as he grunted softly in his sleep; maybe even a slight toss and turn here and there.

Throughout the quiet and still room, some soft whispers could be heard. Was he dreaming?

"You think he's going to wake up soon?"

"I'm not sure..."

"Can't believe you two dragged me in here this early."

Fushiguro's heavy eyelids fluttered open slowly, "AHHHhhhHhHhh!"

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FUSHIGURO!!!" You, Yuji and Kugisaki harmonized, literally drowning and invading his personal space.

"Why are you guys in here?!" Fushiguro snapped. Being startled awake in the privacy of his own room was completely vexing, "And who the hell said it was my birthday?"

The three of you hovered over him, sharing similar looks as he gathered his blanket quickly to cover his bare chest.

"Gojo sensei told us." You flipped your phone around to show him the evidence.

"In my defense, these two dragged me in here. " Kugisaki explained while pointing at herself, "This face could never risk skipping beauty sleep. But seeing as it's your birthday, I'll make an exception just this once."

Fushiguro clicked his tongue, mumbling some colorful words under his breath and threw himself back onto the pillow. Celebrating his birthday was the last thing on his mind currently and there was nothing he wanted more at this moment then to be in complete solitude.

"Get up already, birthday boy!" Yuji said as he pulled the covers off of Fushiguro, exposing his shirtless self.


"Will you put a shirt on for gods sake?!" Kugisaki's forehead crinkled in distaste.

"Do I need to remind you, that you are in MY room?!" Fushiguro retorted.

The door swung open suddenly to a tall, white-haired male entering the room.

"Good morning!" Gojo beamed, "Happy birthday, Megumi!"

"I hate you." Fushiguro muttered, his unblinking eyes staring at nothing particular on the ceiling.

"This calls for a celebration!"

"Sushi and sake! Sushi and sake!"

"Get out of my room..." Fushiguro muttered, but everyone unfortunately was too engrossed in discussing party plans for someone who could care less. For crying out loud, was it his birthday or theirs?

"Oh! Sake!"

"I'm a light weight so I'm okay with non-alcoholic drinks," Gojo said whilst scrolling through his phone, "I'll leave that up to you guys."

Fushiguro's pulsating forehead veins were enlarging with each annoying comment. Clenching down on his teeth, he was on his last straw and is ready to fly Gojo Satoru out of his window. After all, it was all his goddamn fault.

"Also. I have a surprise for you all!" Gojo said with his forefinger pointed upwards, his smile couldn't be more radiant.

"A surprise?!" The three of you asked with utmost exhilaration.

"Yes! It can't be a birthday celebration without a surprise!"

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!"

"GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!!!!!!!!"

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