Chapter 16

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"I don't know about this Nobara...." you grabbed onto the hem of the dress you were wearing and yanked it downward, hoping it would grow just a bit longer.

Kugisaki swatted your hands away from the ends of the dress, "Stop it will you?! It looks fine. Now turn around and let me see."

You spun around from the full-length mirror in your room towards the brown-haired girl. Kugisaki then placed her hands onto your shoulders while giving you a long once-over.

"Dayummm! Now that's what I'm talking about!"

You turned back around to examine yourself. How you allowed Kugisaki to sway you into purchasing this little black dress was completely beyond you. It was a bit shorter than what you were use to, although the thin straps and low square neck did accentuate your breasts very nicely.

"Don't you think it's too short? I feel like I can't even bend over..."

"Don't bend over then."

"You're joking right?"

"Do I ever joke?" The girl crinkled her nose, "Anyway, we need to hurry. Everyone's waiting for us."

"Why are we doing this?" You bleated while still yanking at the hem of the dress, "My birthday is on Monday."

"I already told you. All the Kyoto guys can't be here during the weekday. Which is why they're here for the weekend."

You groaned and allowed Kugisaki to lead you out of your room to the common area which was already filled with loud chatter. The tables were filled with an abundance of eatables ranging from savory to sweet and also a fair number of tokkuri and ochoko were neatly lined on each setting; for anyone who fancied a drink of sake.

Once Kugisaki and yourself came into view, the room became silent and nothing but a cat-call sounded somewhere amongst the crowd of people. You continued to pull at your dress thinking it was likely what caused the whistling.

"If it's any consolation." Fushiguro placed a hand onto Yuji's shoulder, he had noticed the pink-haired boys gawking eyes, "It would've been worse if she rejected you."

Yuji's expression softened but his eyes were still on you, "I'm fine, Fushiguro. Really..."

"Happy early Birthday!"

"Happy Birthday!"

"Happy Born Day."

"How old are you now?"

"Are you feelin' 22?"

Everyone continued to greet and celebrate another year of your life. By the time you came around to the last person you swore you were out of breath and you also didn't want to say 'Thank You!' again for the rest of the night. You sighed and sank yourself down onto the couch to take a breather before you continued your inevitable need to go back and socialize with everyone. At the end of the day, they were only here for you.

A pair of hands wrapped around your eyes and you felt yourself frown. Couldn't they leave you alone for just a minute? But then you heard his voice and everything changed.

"Guess who."

Your hands reached upward to remove his hands from your face before spinning around. You already knew who it was, his voice was distinct, you could recognize it a mile away, "Okkotsu Senpai!"

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