Chapter 15

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"I JUST WANNA KNOW—" Yuji did a backhand spring to dodge the incoming barrage of attacks from the curse, "—WHEN WERE YOU PLANNING ON TELLING ME?"

This was exactly what the dark-haired boy wanted to avoid. The last thing he wanted to do was get involved but he still managed to get roped in some how. Fushiguro didn't even know where to begin to explain why you had your hands on his face the way you did. He also figured that even after he told Yuji the truth, it would be hard to believe anyway.

"TELL YOU WHAT? YOU WALKED IN AT A BAD TIME. IT'S ALL A MISUNDERSTANDING." Fushiguro ran around the large curse and continued the exorcism. The dark-haired boy adjusts his fingers to the shape of a snake-head shadow puppet, "OROCHI, 大蛇!!!"

The giant white serpent shikigami bursts out of the earth in hopes to bind the curse. Unfortunately the curse was too clever and managed to veer out of the reptiles grasp.



"TELL YOU THROUGH HER LIPS?!?" Yuji was practically seething.


Yuji clicked his tongue, "YOU-YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN FUSHIGURO!!"

The two boys continued their wrangle through shouting due to the loud noises from the large debris crumbling in the vicinity.

"NO!" Fushiguro groaned loudly as he tumbles to the ground, "CAN WE JUST FOCUS ON THE JOB RIGHT NOW?!"

"FINE." Yuji shouted back from the opposite side of the area before he whispers to himself, "Let me make this real quick than."

The pink-haired boy leaps into air before plunging a foot onto the curses head. He manages to exorcise it in seconds with a myriad of black flashes. Yuji then tumbles through the air before landing in a crouch in front of Fushiguro.

Fushiguro, who was still on the ground from being smacked by the curse widened his eyes from how quickly Yuji completed the task. He also sensed the increase in cursed energy flowing through his friend. Likely from his emotions being heightened in a negative way. For a moment he thought maybe he should aggravate the pink-haired boy more often if it was going to make missions this easy.

"Why couldn't you have done that from the start?"

Yuji straightened to a stand and offered a hand to help his friend up to his feet, "Explain."

Several feet away you and Kugisaki Nobara enter the scene after taking care of a different curse elsewhere. The two of you stopped in your place as you watched Yuji pinching Fushiguro's cheeks while Fushiguro slapped the pink-haired boys head immediately after. A myriad of inaudible shouting sounded throughout the district.

"What do you think they're arguing about?" You turned to Kugisaki.

"Whose top and whose bottom." The girl smirked at her suggestive joke while placing her hands at her hips.

"What do you mean?"

"Never mind." Kugisaki rolled her eyes, "Who cares anyway right?"

After some time Yuji and Fushiguro finally reached a resolve. Your thumb hovered over the screen of your phone as you looked up from the device to the two figures approaching you and Kugisaki.

You smiled at the two boys, not knowing your next set of words would throw Kugisaki into a storm of uncontrollable laughter as she slaps her knee.

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