Chapter 23

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The air was warm from the heat of the bathhouse but the natural stone floor remained cool. The mixture of temperatures form light, translucent mists and they hover near the ground. It drifts slowly across the room and dissipates but only to be replaced moments later. The kashikiri which you were soaking in was hot. You sunk yourself deeper into the bath, the back of your head leaning and resting against the edge of the wooden tub, leaving your nose just right above the water. It was past 1 in the morning and you stepped out of your room; in need of a proper bath. With the mysterious piece of paper left on your door and all things related to Gojo, it was difficult to greet sleep.

Your unwavering eyes seem to wander off. They stare at the shoji screens and opaque windows in front of you but your gaze, at the same time, not really holding there. They seem to float off into a different universe. Your body sat in a women's private bath house but you shift into another realm as thoughts of the note occupy your mind.

The heart has reasons, that even
reason itself cannot understand.

You memorized it. Word for word. And you continue to repeat it in your head. You try to grasp the true meaning behind this philosophical phrase. Surely it wasn't that hard to understand but who would leave this behind for you to read and the better question, why?

Your temperature rises to the point past your desired liking due to the extended time in the kashikiri. You step out of the bath. The water which enveloped your body now drips onto the floor, leaving behind wet footprints as you dried yourself with a towel.

You throw your night slip on and exit the private bath area. You close the door quietly and a voice interrupts the silence.

"Being in love. It's a horrible thing isn't it?"

You turn around to meet the person whose voice it belonged to and he continues to speak.

"It makes you so vulnerable. It makes you open up to the person and it allows them to change a lot of things about yourself that you didn't think you'd ever change. Like the way you feel about certain things; your ideologies and beliefs. The way you perceive things or even the way you act."

Your eyebrows knit together in confusion. Why was he here? And why was he saying all of these things?

"Sorry, but I don't know what you mean."

The male doesn't say another word he steps towards you until he couldn't go any further. His hand finds your cheek and you shudder at the feeling of his thumb stroking against your damp skin.

"What are you doing?" You asked the guy, now wondering if it was him who left that note taped to your door. But he was someone you definitely weren't expecting, "Megumi?"

Your closed eyes now gape open. You lift your head off from the edge of the wooden tub. Your wet hair clings to the back of your neck and shoulders as you sigh and bring yourself to a better sitting posture. You rub your face with your hands repeatedly before dropping them back down into the hot water. It must be about 2 in the morning now and the warmth must have put you to sleep unknowingly.

You sigh heavily at the unusual dream of Fushiguro. You've never dreamt about him like that before but you've never really dreamt about him to begin with.

Dreams can sometimes reflect our conscious desires. Dreams can sometimes be influenced by our waking lives. Dreams can also be completely random and alterations of it, most likely influenced by events or certain things that happen throughout the persons day.

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