Chapter 9

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You examined yourself in the full-length mirror, hands clutching onto the hem of your 'Sunday's best'. Though you honestly had no one to impress. It was a free day for the first-year sorcerers except for Kugisaki Nobara. She was to accompany Gojo sensei on a 'special' mission. One that was similar to his and Yuji's some time back. You sighed and nodded with much approval before exiting your room.

Yuji was already waiting for you outside in the corridor. He was leaning against the wall with his leg propped and hands stuffed into his pockets. He wore a green hoodie and red sneakers, his cuffed denim jeans divulged his ankles.


"Hey..." you replied somberly whilst giving him a once over. How much colors of hoodies did this guy own?

Yuji took a much longer look at you than he normally did. He quickly averted his gaze elsewhere once he realized he was staring. You on the other hand, hadn't noticed him eyeballing you due to your preoccupied mind. It wasn't often that you all saw each other outside your uniforms and he wanted to tell you how nice you looked but decided against it. Compliments have never been a thing between the two of you and he figured suddenly saying such things might weird you out.

"Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." You responded in the most satirical manner.

"Are you sure you really want to do this?"

"Whether we like it or not—" You looked downwards and watched your feet dragging across the ground, "—at some point, we all need to face our fears."

Yuji, who kept his eyes straight ahead the entire time as you both exited the building couldn't agree more. He continued to walk beside you as he listened to your speech.

"Anyone can run away, it's super easy." Your lips turned downward in a slight frown, because that's exactly what you did, "Facing problems and working through them, that's what makes you strong. And I—I want to be strong. Just like you."

Lately, especially after befriending Todo Aoi, Yuji has grown exceptionally stronger. Potentially even passing Fushiguro himself.

A small smile crept onto the pink-haired boys face, his eyes never leaving the front of him, "Well, I wouldn't say that. I still have a long way to go."

"Don't we all..."

The two of you continued your trek through jujutsu tech until a familiar voice broke the silence.

"Well, well, well! You two clean up very nicely, don'tcha?"

You both turned around to Gojo and Kugisaki just a few steps behind the two of you.

"Gojo sensei!" Yuji beamed, he was always happy to see his mentor and his voice conveyed that, but he also couldn't forget to greet his fellow schoolmate, "Kugisaki!"

Kugisaki crossed her arms over her chest and grumbled some colorful words under her breath; something about why she had to go on some dumb mission while everyone got a free period.

Gojo glanced briefly at Yuji underneath his blindfold before he looked at you hungrily. He always loved seeing you outside of your uniform and wish he had the opportunity to see more of it. You had a nice sense of style and the way your exposed legs and thighs looked at this current moment made the guy quite hot and bothered. It was definitely an evocative sight of his ongoing lewd dreams of you.

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