Chapter 21

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SUNDAY (日曜日)
11:00 PM

It had only been a few hours since everyone retreated to their rooms for the night.

This supine posture was about to be your best friend. You were sure you hadn't moved from this laying position since you got into bed. You stretch your arms into the air with the miniature Gojo between your hands. You stare at it with dewy-eyes before bringing it swiftly back to your chest, hugging it like it was some kind of sentimental treasure.

Gojo Satoru, such a ladies man. He was so good looking and so powerful, he could literally have any woman he wanted. Being the kind of guy he was, of course he would use this to his advantage, at least that's what you thought. Mai wasn't particularly bad looking either. She was a very pretty girl and had an alluring voice to match.

You sigh heavily whilst bringing the stuffed toy to your face again. This time you squeeze it, causing it to warp and deform in your palms before you whip it across the air. The doll ricochets off the wall and falls onto the ground somewhere in your bedroom.

You throw your hands over your eyes. This pulling and nagging in your chest, it doesn't stop. How do you make it stop? How do you make it go away?

"Do you.... like submissive girls..."

Awake or asleep, Mai's words, her voice, it haunts you.


Groaning loudly you finally turn to lay on your side; nothing but the moon-dappled wall to entertain you now. The shadows of the branches dance slowly across your room as you continue to sulk. The thoughts of Gojo, they literally eat your heart out.

"Do you.... like submissive girls..."

You curse under your breath and bring yourself to a sitting position. You sat there briefly before rolling off the bed in a sluggish manner. The sudden feeling to get out and take the air was overwhelming.

In moments you found yourself outside. It was surprisingly warm for this time of the night. You didn't know where you were going and you didn't care. You walked aimlessly, letting your feet guide you until you became too tired to continue.

Your hair now completely disheveled and sprawled across the soft grass that you threw yourself down on. You spread your arms and legs across the green cushion, eyes staring straight into the heavens. The brilliant moon illuminated the clear night sky; not a single cloud could be seen. The number of stars glistened brightly; too many to count. Your unwavering eyes begin to wonder what it looked like at the ether; beyond what you could see. Imagining the sight of the vast universe and the colors of the Milky Way. Your mind trying to wander to anything but your trivial matters.

Someone comes to lay next to you. His face is parallel to yours but he lays in the opposite direction. The two of you now admiring nature's gift in silence.

"You think we'll see any shooting stars tonight?" You ask the guy, your gaze trained above you.

"Don't know."

"If we do. What would you wish for?"

He chuckled softly, "I can't tell you."

"Why not?"

"Cause then it wouldn't come true."

You hum in agreement.

A low rumbling noise resonates loudly and disrupts the peace. The guy sits up and his hand digs into his pocket to pull out the vibrating cellphone.

MONDAY (月曜日)
12:00 AM

MONDAY (月曜日)12:00 AM

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