Chapter 10

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Yuji's body was currently in a state of inertia, all the activity occurring in his brain.

The little things with you always went unnoticed to him. He always overlooked the way you grabbed onto his arm, the way you smiled at him every morning, the way you threw your arms around his waist for a friendly hug, the way your shampoo smelled if you ever got close enough, or even the sound of your voice when you say his name.


Yuji blinked as he came out of his musing, he tilted his head down to look at you. You had been using his lap as a pillow for the last half hour like you normally would if the two of you were lazing around in the common area. He thought about running his fingers through your hair but didn't want to be weird. But how would that be any different than all those other times he played with your hair? Regardless, he remained disinclined.

"You okay?" You sat up and brought your face to his, "You've been acting weird all day."

Yuji's eyes widened at your close proximity, he pulled away slightly, hoping that his loud swallowing wasn't audible to you, "H-huh? Have I? How so??"

You narrowed your eyes at the pink-haired boy before sticking your fingers into his mouth. You spread his chops open to examine his throat in jest, "Are you sick or something?"

He managed a sloppy 'no' while your digits were still digging into the insides of his cheeks, "Nnnnnnnuuhhh..."

You released his mouth and wiped your fingers dry with the hood of his uniform. Something was going on with Yuji. He hadn't said much to you all day and not only that, he also didn't try to fight you off and mess with you in return like he always did. Everyone has their off days, including yourself, so you did what you do best and shrugged it off.

"I'm going to the vending machines. Anyone want anything?" You pressed your arms into the air for a nice stretch before getting up off the couch.

Kugisaki and Fushiguro who took their usual spots across from you and Yuji never bothered to look up but rather just responded with one-worded answers.



They were both currently buried in their phones. You rolled your eyes at their immense concentration, "Yuji? What about you?"

He managed a small smile and shook his head, the mild gesture made you furrow your brows. Yuji rarely ever turned down something to eat or drink. Weird.

"Suit your self."

You disappeared into the vast outdoors of jujutsu tech, leaving the three to bake in their own boredom as the four of you waited for Gojo to arrive with his orders for the next mission. That guy was always late.

Yuji threw his head back onto the backrest of the couch. He slapped his hands onto his face and groaned. His chest felt tight and his mind felt hazy. Why couldn't he just be himself? Nothing had changed and yet everything had changed. He hated how he had gone from being inattentive to your physical touch to being almost too aware. Absolutely everything about you hit him in a different way now and he wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing.

"What's the matter with you?" Kugisaki asked Yuji as she took her attention away from her phone screen.

Fushiguro brought his eyes to the pink-haired boy. He had also noticed Yuji's unusual behavior. He had his assumptions but didn't want to dwell on them. He also didn't want to get involved either.

"I–" Yuji said taking his hands off his face and back down to his sides but Kugisaki cut him off quickly.

"I don't care." She brought her eyes back to the screen of her phone.

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