Chapter 4

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The building's windows shattered as a large blow erupted, large debris and glass tumbling downwards to the gravel. A large curse following after.


These missions never did get easier and today you were assigned one with Fushiguro Megumi while Gojo sensei took Yuji out on a separate 'special' mission.

Where was Kugisaki Nobara might you ask? Let's backtrack several hours ago, to this morning.

"I'm getting my day off today!"

Gojo stood in front of her, lips twisted as he tapped a foot repeatedly on the floor. He scratched the back of his head a bit contemplating what he should do before he responded.

"I guess this particular mission isn't too hard... Megumi and (Y/N) should be able to handle it. Go ahead, enjoy your day off."


"I said, GO!" Fushiguro summoned his twin wolf shigekami by parting his fingers at the middle and ring of his right hand, his left clasping onto the brim of it. "GYOKUKEN, 玉犬!"

"IDIOT! I'm not leaving you here by yourself!!!"

The two of you dodging the incoming onslaught from the curse stopped at a familiar voice.

"You rang?"

You and Fushiguro turned to the brown haired girl. She held nails between her fisted fingers as she twirled her hammer in the other hand.


"What are you doing here?! I thought you were taking a day off?"

She smirked getting ready to fire it up, "I couldn't let you two take all the fun now, could I?"

Some nails flew through the air, the three of you continued the battle in an asymmetrical manner.

Kugisaki twisted in mid-air before landing in a crouch, she stood up and stretched her neck, "I got all the cute clothes I needed."

"Now......" She brought her gaze back to the curse "'s time to pay the bills."

It had been awhile since you all had a free weekend

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It had been awhile since you all had a free weekend. It was going to be a special weekend. Gojo had told everyone that the Kyoto branch was coming to visit, you hadn't seen them since the exchange event.

You laid on Yuji's lap on the couch in the common area, your legs dangling off the armrest. Across from the two of you sat Kugisaki and Fushiguro. It wouldn't be long before the second-years came to join you all and for the Kyoto students to arrive as well.

"How did you start getting along with that gorilla again?" Kugisaki asked Yuji as she was snacking on her shared chips with Fushiguro.

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