Omake (価値): The Value of Life

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You sat on the grass near the river

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You sat on the grass near the river. The moon was a beautiful crescent shape illuminating the clear night sky. You hugged your legs as you watched Itadori skipping rocks.

"You're a terrible rock skipper."

He snapped his head back at you, trying not to feel offended, "I'd like to see you try!"

You searched the ground for the smoothest, flat stone you could find before making way to the pink-haired boy. With a swift movement of your wrist you flicked the rock onto the water; it managed to bounce 4 times before the river swallowed it whole.

You whipped around to smile smugly and dusted off your shoulder.

"Ok. How did you do that?"

"Well, first of all, you're choosing all the wrong rocks. And second, it's all in the wrist."

He hummed before the silence took over.

It had only been about 2 months since the two of you met at jujutsu tech. Itadori felt like an old friend that you hadn't seen for years and the two of you hit it off right away. The both of you were somewhat similar; both not knowing your parents well and both having the same life circumstances. Both a vessel for Ryomen Sukuna. Both destined to die the same death. In the short amount of time that you've known each other so far, the two of you had opened up a lot to one another.

"Hey," you wrapped your arms around yourself, "Can I ask you something?"

Itadori tilted his head towards you, he saw the crestfallen look on your face and wondered what happened, "What is it?"

You thought back to your interview with Principal Yaga and his annoying cursed dolls. At the time you yourself didn't have the appropriate answers, even under pressure. Your eyes trained on the reflections on the water, "Why did you agree to it? Why did you decide to be a vessel?"

You were use to having no real purpose in life; having nothing to live for. But now, being a vessel, it gave you purpose. It gave you a reason to live for the time being. There were many days you thought getting executed right away would have been the easier way out. But if you had a reason to contribute to society and die in style at the same time. Why not?

Itadori smiled as he gazed up at the sky, "I've always been good at sports and fighting... but I never once thought, that I'm the only one who could do it.

Well, I mean, I guess that's the two of us now, huh?
Consuming Sukuna... I know that's something only we can do.

Even if I could run away from my execution...
Eat, take a bath, read manga...
No matter what I'll still be there...

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