Chapter 25

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(˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵) (˵ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°˵)

The sky was still a deep rich blue as dawn approaches. It was still dark enough for shadows to be cast across the grounds and a bit of fog to linger. Gojo walks you back to your room, both your footsteps thump lightly and quietly against the moon-dappled wood boards of the hallway.

"Thank you for tonight." You open the door to your bedroom and turn around to give the man a proper farewell.

Gojo stuffs his hands into his pockets, "My pleasure."

His jacket sits nicely around your shoulders now, you take it off and hand it to the guy, "Almost forgot."

But the white-haired male doesn't take it. Your hand stays suspended at mid-waist.

"I was wondering." Gojo keeps his hands in his pockets, "Your friend hasn't told me what her preferred flavor of ice cream is."

"Oh." You purse your lips, your eyes dart to the side somewhere and you begin to hug his jacket. A ghost of a smile forming, "Vanilla...."

He makes a face that almost represents disappointment but only until you finished your sentence.

"....with a bit of blue sprinkles."

You brought your eyes back to his and he understands your figure of speech. The two of you stare at each other. His eyes were bare; sunglasses removed at some point during the night but you can't recall. The cerulean shine of his irises were always spellbinding. You want to break away from this witchcraft but you can't. It feels like he could wordlessly persuade you into anything.

An awkward silence then ensues.

"So, uhm, Goodnight....?"

Even though it had already (technically) reached morning.

"Goodnight." He replies. His body doesn't leave, it stays rooted at your door but you don't close the door either.

He steps closer to you and your body tenses. Your breath hitches and your fingers tighten around the fabric of the jacket which was still against your chest. He takes his jacket and slings it over his shoulder and you finally let go of your breath because you thought that's all he wanted. But you were wrong.

With his free hand, Gojo brings the tips of his fingers to your cheek. His soft touch makes you forget to breathe again. His hand brushes against the side of your face gently. The man leans down and leaves his mouth just centimeters from your own. Your heart skips a beat—or two.

The ball was in your court. Even if it wasn't the first time you've kissed the man it sure felt like it; since you had no alcohol to play as your wingman. Your mind had complete control over your body and Gojo knows it. He waits to see how you'll choose to respond and if you'll grant him permission.

You lick and bite your lip, he sees this. As tempting as it was for him to just make the first move, he chooses to be patient and respectful. At last, you wrap your arms around his shoulders slowly and your hands find their home on the back of his neck. You tippy toe (cause he's a tall guy) to meet him half way.

The first few kisses were pecks, chaste and quick. There was a short pause. The two of you exchange some understanding looks. Both knowing very well you wanted much more. He looks down at your lips and you do the same before the two of you lock eyes again.

Gojo wanted you and you wanted him but you both don't voice it. Right now, the physical will speak louder than the verbal. He wanted his body to do the talking and you comply.

Tsuyoi 強い ⋮ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now