Juju Sanpo (はち)

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Fushiguro turned the corner into the corridor where his bedroom resided, along with you and Yuji's. Having the two of your rooms placed next to his was an unfortunate turn of events for Fushiguro initially, but lately he'd grown quite use to it.

Fushiguro stopped in his tracks when he saw Yuji standing in front of his own bedroom door. He had a hand on the doorknob and his other gently rubbing his lower lip. He seemed to be in a daze, his eyes unblinking.

Yuji, who was still dragging his finger across his lower lip was remembering your lips just centimeters away from his very own. He recalled the feeling of your warm breath caressing the skin of his mouth. What would have happened if you had actually kissed him? Would things have changed between the two of you? The curiosity of it all was almost unbearable.

"What's the matter with you?"

Yuji flinched, his profound thinking caused him to not notice Fushiguro's presence, "Fushiguro senpai! I—I actually don't remember...."


Fushiguro walked passed the pink-haired boy, how dare Yuji lie to him. It was too obvious. He opened the door to his own room before turning to look at Yuji again. He shoved his hands into his pockets and jerked his head to beckon Yuji to come his way.

Yuji's brows furrowed as he made way to the raven-haired boy. Fushiguro pointed into his room for Yuji to take a gander. Yuji peeked his head slightly into the somber boys room, he was confused. What did Fushiguro want him to look at? There was nothing out of the ordinary in there; if anything it was rather tidy.

"Wow, it's so nea—" Yuji couldn't finish speaking. Fushiguro had slammed the door into his head abruptly, "Da-da-da-da-daaaaaahhh! OW! What was that for?!"

"Do you remember now?"


Fushiguro returned his hand into the pocket of his pants, "What a shame."

Yuji sighed. He began rubbing his head while making his way back to his room, "Was that really necessary?"

"100%." Fushiguro said, completely void of emotion.

Fushiguro watched Yuji disappear into his room and just as he was about to step into his own he noticed that you turned the corner into the hallway. You pressed your back against your room door and sighed heavily while placing your hand onto the cheek Yuji had kissed.

A vein popped out onto his forehead. He arched a brow and narrowed his eyes at you. Is this seriously happening? Was he in some kind of Korean drama?

After a few minutes of standing there in deep thought you finally pushed yourself off the door and disappeared into the privacy of your own room, not even realizing that Megumi had been watching you the entire time.

He stared blankly at the empty spot where you last stood before he closed the door behind him. Now inside his own room, he shook his head feeling extremely flustered.

"This better not be some stupid love triangle."


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