The Return of Superman : Day 3

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Day 3

The next day when Sohyun woke up she hasn't seen her husband and son. She thinks that maybe the arrival of them at the filming site is just a dream. She goes to the kitchen to have some water then she sits in the living room to watch television. She looks at the clock at the side and it indicates that it is 6:30 am. She thinks that maybe her husband and son are still asleep so she'll call her later. 

When she is watching, the show stops. Maybe there is a problem with the signal.  She waits for some seconds then there is a documentary that is showing. Wait! she knows those pictures. Those were Hyunki's pictures when he was still an infant.  Is this time for a replay of The Return of Superman? This early? She doesn't have any idea what is happening. Then, the pictures stopped from flashing. There is only black on the TV screen. After that, a lovely voice can be heard. That voice is from her only husband. She can only hear the music and then a video appeared on the screen. It looks like a music video of Taehyung and Hyunki. Those videos were taken by Sohyun when they were on vacation. 

"Thank you Eomma for taking care of me and appa,I love you. I'm sorry if there were times that I'm very naughty especially when Mom is at work." Hyunki said on the video.  Tears on Sohyun's face keep falling.

While Sohyun is busy watching the video and wiping her tears, Taehyung arrived with Hyunki in his arms. 

"Happy Mother's Day eomma" Hyunki said hugging his mother. "Don't cry eomma"

So Taehyung and Hyunki are here was not her dream. 

"Don't cry, honey. You are not beautiful anymore." Taehyung said and because of that, he received a hand from her. 

"Why are you begging me to marry you if I'm not beautiful?" She snorted. 

"I'm just joking. honey. For me, you are very beautiful inside and out." He hugged him. 

"Thank you for your surprise because of that I also have one". She goes to the room and gets something in her bag. 

She gave the small box to Taehyung. "what is it?" 

"open it for you to know"

"Appa! I also want to see" Hyunki said sitting on his father's lap. 

When he opened it, he was so shocked because he will have another child. 

"What is that appa? thermometer? "

"Hyunki- ah, you will now a big brother" Taehyung replied.

"I'll have a sibling?"


"Eomma, is that true? I will become a big brother" 

"yes, sweetie"


Happy Mother's Day to all of the mothers!!! We love you and thank you for all your sacrifices for us to be born in this world. 

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