I'm Fine 1.2

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Taehyung and Sohyun were dating for 3 years. Their relationship is doing fine but something happened. Sohyun wants to break up with him without giving him a satisfying explanation of why. 

"Sohyun-ah, tell me what's wrong? Am I wrong? What mistake I did?"

"I'm really sorry Tae but I need some space for now. I hope you understand. I'm really sorry." She is about to leave but he pulled her back.

"How can I understand when you didn't explain everything to me" His voice is becoming louder. 

"Please Hyunnie... I'm willing to change if I did something wrong ... please don't leave me." He added in a sweet tone while rubbing her hands.

She didn't say anything

"I know you still love me , aren't you? Please Hyunnie, let's fix this. Don't leave me." 

"I hope you will be happy even without me. I really love you Taehyung. I'm really am but.."
She is still hesitating to say.

"But??" He asked for her to continue what he is about to say. 

"I'm sorry" she bowed and left immediately. She doesn't want him to see that she was crying. 

Some of Sohyun's friends asked what happened to their relationship because since then she hasn't acknowledged Taehyung even he is still trying to recover their relationship.She also can't tell them why she chooses to broke up with him. She only knows why..... To be honest, her friends always saw her hiding in the restroom crying. When they asked her what happened to her eyes, she always blames the specks of dust or her eye makeup. 
Her friends always asked her "Sohyun, are you alright?" 

"Of course, I'm super duper fine" Her answered.

"Are you sure?" They knew that she is lying to them and they don't know how they can help her.

"Yes, I'm fine.. I'm really fine" 

Sohyun's POV 
"I'm Fine" is a common lie for me. I always told that sentence even though I'm really not. 
It only have two syllables but its meaningful for me. 

I admit that I have a lot of problems;family, financial,and even the people around me. But even if I'm not okay, I always say to myself that everything will be fine. I don't know when but everything will be fine in a right time. 

My heart is breaking everytime I saw Taehyung trying his best to bring back our relationship. Even I want, I can't. He will be happy if we're not together. 

Today is our graduation day. After this, I and Taehyung have no reasons to meet each other again.

While I'm looking around the campus, Taehyung's mother approached me.
"How are you, Sohyun?"
"I'm fine Ma'am"
"Did I told you before that you can call me Mom?"
She just looked at her.
"Even you and Taehyung are not in a relationship, you can still be my daughter right?"
"Thank you" She said and his mother hugged her tightly.
"Happy Graduation! I hope we can still see each other." 

Author's POV 
After 6 months, almost all of her batchmates are now working in their chosen field. Taehyung is now working as an entrepreneur. If you want to ask where is Sohyun...... after graduation, she loses all of her connections to her friends, Taehyung, and even to Taehyung's mother. 

Taehyung is worried about her because she looks so different after they broke up. He feels like she is hiding something from him. Two months after graduation, he asked her friends where she is but they all have no news about her. He wants to see how she is doing. Has she moved on about their relationship or not because he still not. He is searching for her all over Seoul but he can't still find her. He gets an investigator to find her all over Korea. He is searching for her for 2 years but still, his search is in vain. He thinks that maybe she moved to the country and he doesn't how he can able to find her. 

Are you curious where is she??

Right after the graduation ceremony, she moved to Canada together with the owner of the shop she worked at before. The owner of that became her big sister. She knew that Sohyun is an orphan as well as she so she wants to help her.

They moved to Canada for Sohyun's operation. She has a brain tumor. That is also the reason why she broke up with Taehyung. She doesn't want him to know that she has a disease and make him worry. She doesn't know what will happen to her after the surgery because the tumor in her brain is very big now and it's hard to remove. 
That is why after her surgery, she's been in a coma for almost one year. 

1 year
Taehyung still didn't stop looking for her. He just wants to confirm that she is really doing well then he can able to start a new life and find a new lover.
His investigator texted him that there is a chance that Sohyun is also there in Canada. Taehyung has a business trip in Canada that's why he is there. 
The questions in his mind popped out when he saw the location of Sohyun. Why is have to be in the hospital? And why she has to change her name so that makes him hard to find her. 
He got very very worried and run fast as he could to the room number sent to him. He saw a woman who is lying in the bed with a machine attached to herself.
A tear fell in his eyes when he realizes that the woman lying is none other than Sohyun. He held her hand and continue crying.
"I'm sorry.. I'm very very sorry I'm late" 

While he was crying, the door opened appearing Jessica, the shop owner where she used to work. She tapped his shoulder and said that "Everything will be alright Taehyung. She will wake up. We just have to wait." Jessica told him everything. 

1 week
Sohyun finally woke up. 
"Sohyun-ah, are you okay?" Taehyung asked when she has opened her eyes. 
"How? What? Why are you here?" She said in a low voice but can still be heard by the man beside her.
"Because I know you need me"
She cried.
"Why are you crying. Is there something wrong? I'll call the doctor....." 
"No, Its okay" She held his hand and said "I'm fine ..... because you're here" 

2 months later
 Sohyun became strong again so the doctor suggested that she can go home now. Her recovery is fast than they imagined. 

Taehyung and Sohyun decided to go back to Korea with Jessica.

Throughout the past 2 months, they realized that they still love each other. Sohyun opened her heart for Taehyung again. That is why they got married 2 days after they go back to Korea. They had a handsome son 6 months after. It is not easy to born with their little angel because some complications in her body occur. They are really fortunate that she and her son are alive.
She shows her love for her family. She is very very happy about what is happening in her life, its feels like she is in her own dream. She really gives her full-time taking care of her husband and son. 

She can know that the happiness that she is experiencing is not permanent because sooner or later she might die. 

And her hypothesis becomes true. After being together for 3 years, she died. The tumor in her brain reoccur again and it bigger. Even surgery can't do anything. She can feel that it is really her time to leave this world and be with God. The time that God has given to her is long enough. Before she died, she is getting ready his husband and son to this moment. 

12 years later

 Taehyung didn't remarry. He only gives his time to his business and of course to his precious son. He always goes to the tomb of Sohyun, telling her all the things that happened to their life. Their son is already 15 years old but he can still feel the presence of her mother in heaven.
Today is her Birthday, the father and son went to her tomb to wish her a happy birthday.
"Happy Birthday Eomma! I cooked this for you" their son showed that he cooked an omellete.
"I hope you we're doing well there because our son and I were doing fine here. You don't have to worry. I'm fine, Jagiya. I really miss you. We miss you. "

The End 💜♥️

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