CHAPTER 1|Meeting Mr.Minecraft

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(Tommy's pov)
"Tommy...Tommy wake up!"I hear one of the other kid's whispers, waking me up.

"What?"I ask, groggily.

I look up and see that the kid was George,one of the 'older' kids."Sam wants to talk to you. Something about some guy."George replied.

"Alright...Tell him I'll be there in like ten minutes."I muttered,getting out of bed.

After George goes away,I get dressed and go brush my teeth and hair. About...15 minutes later(it took a while to brush my hair.)I run downstairs,trying not to be any more late then I already am.

I arrive at Mr.Sams office,and knock on the door,before entering."Ah...Thomas. You were supposed to be here 5 minutes ago."Mr.Sam stated.

"Sorry.It took a while to brush my hair."I apologize. I open my mouth to correct him on my name but decide against it when I realize there are other people in the room.

He sighs, "Thomas this is Philza Minecraft and his two children."

"Nice to meet you Thomas. You can call me Phil."Philza says.

I ignore him,turning back to face Mr.Sam."Why am I here?"I ask, annoyed.

"Thomas..."Mr.Sam warns,"Say hello to Phil."
I sigh,"It's nice to meet you Phil."I turn back to Mr.Sam, "Now can you tell me why I'm here?"

"I'm sorry about him."Sam apologizes, "He's not the most...pleasant child."

"Thomas, Phil wants to foster you."Sam says, turning back to me. Phil nods, smiling.

"No. No. Nonono. I am not doing this again. No offense Philza, but no."I say, walking towards the door.

"Thomas, I know you have had some...interesting experiences with homes in the past, but I can assure you Phil is trustworthy."

"That's what you said about Dream, and look how that turned out."I murmur,apparently not quiet enough.

"That was a mistake,Thomas,we've been over this.You haven't left this building in years,this is a good opportunity for you."Sam insists."Now Tommy I recommend you go pack."

"I'll help."One of Phil's kids stands up, has pink hair, and is wearing some royal looking clothing, who the fuck does this guy think he is?

"Thank you Techno."Phil nods.

We walk upstairs to my room to begin packing, there are about 4-3 kids in a room, each room has a bathroom.

The guy, Techno I think his name was, helps me pack all my clothes, my additional essentials, and just some stuff I want to keep. Overall it's like two bags, once we finish packing Techno says, "Phils not a bad guy. Trust me, I was skeptical too."

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