Chapter 23|I know.

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(Before the chapter starts I just wanted to say that Tommy's mom is based off of my mother :|

(Tommy's pov)
When I wake up the second time,the house is quiet.There's light coming in through the window and judging by how it looks outside, I'm guessing it's about 8:30?

The first thing I do is grab my phone.Two texts from Phil,one from Wilbur,and one from Techno.

If anything happens,let me know alright?

Yeah,I will don't worry

Phils a good guy with good intentions,but there's no way he's gonna be able to get me out of here.


Good,tired though.What about you?

Wilbur obviously doesn't respond when I first text him back so I go to check Techno's.

Gn Tommy

It's morning now but gn

Assuming Techno and Wilbur are at school,I won't be getting a response for a little bit.Speaking of school...I'm gonna have to go to a new one until the school year ends.

      I get a text back quicker than I expected.


Shouldn't you be at school🤨

Dads letting me and Wil stay home,how's your mom's house?



      I think about telling him the truth.Techno would be able to help!But then again that could've just been one night,she could be amazing the rest of the time!

Yeah,I'll let you or Phil or Sam know if anything happens.

Alr just making sure I'm going back to bed gn


     That's how my week goes.I talk to Techno or Wilbur(sometimes Phil) in the morning and at night,I spend my days either talking to Jack and Grayson or watching movies with Hannah and Jason.Then at night I eat dinner in my room and avoid my mom the best I can.

     Sometimes she goes to bed without yelling,other times she screams until two in the morning.I usually fake sleep or try to distract myself from it. Jason usually does a good job of keeping her away from me,but my door doesn't lock and she gets in here sometimes.She insults every single thing about me.Jason gets her out before she can do any physical harm.I always sleep with my phone close to me.Just in case.

     Yesterday was different.She came home screaming about something at her job.Most what happened that night is blurred from my memory,all I know is that I have an almost broken leg,and bruises covering my arm.

      There are a few things I know for sure.I know that I texted Phil in a panic saying that I was scared.I don't know if he responded though.I know that Jason got her away from me and he now has a black eye.I know that either Jason or Hannah called Sam.I know that Jason grabbed my mostly still packed bag,and brought me and Hannah to the car.And finally I know that I'm currently safe in a hospital.I don't know whats happening with my mom.I don't know if Phil knows,and I don't know where I'll be staying next.

(Phils pov)

      "I was half asleep when I got a text from Tommy last night,he said he was scared.I tried to text or call him but he never picked up."There.Thats my email to Sam

        About 10 minutes after I sent the email I get a call.From Sam.Even before I pick up the phone,I know what it's about.Phil told me that Tommy's mother had almost broken his leg and that he's being taken out of her care,he needs a place to stay.

       And thats why I'm here,a few cities away,standing in front of an unfamiliar hospital. I told Techno and Will that it'd be back in a few hours,I could tell that they knew what was going on but chose not to say anything.

(Tommy's pov)

       Jason told me that I was going back into a foster home,he gave me his and Hannah's phone numbers,and they left.Sam told me that my foster parent would be here soon,and that I was lucky they were able to find one so quickly.There's a knock on the door.

        "Oh!He's here!"Sam smiles and opens the door.


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