Chapter 18|What??

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(Tommy's pov)
     When I woke up the car was parked at school, and Phil had already gone in. I sit in silence for a few minutes before it hits me. Holy shit. I'm gonna see Techno and Phil again.

     What will they think?Will they be mad? They already thought I should go back, what will they think now?My thoughts are cut off by the door on the left opening quickly.

      "Tommy!"Wilbur yells excitedly."You're alive!"

      He jumps into the seat next to me and hugs me.

      "Uh.Yeah..."I say awkwardly,pushing him off me.

      Techno and Phil get into the front seats, and we sit in silence for a few minutes.

       "Glad you're okay, Tommy."Techno says quietly.

       Another few minutes of silence. I have a question I want to ask Phil, but I'm not sure how Wilbur and Techno will react.

       "Hey Phil?"I finally ask."Are...Am I going back to...the...home?"I can't bring myself to say the actual name.

        "Do you want to go back?"Phil asks calmly.

         "No?"I answer,Phil just nods.

         We go through the rest of the car ride in silence, and we get out of the car in silence. We enter the house in silence, and the house is silent.

         Wilbur and Techno go up to their rooms like they had practiced, leaving me and Phil alone. Phil leads me into the kitchen.

        "Want something to eat?"He asks,nervously.

         "Uh...No.Not really."

          "Are you sure?"

          "Yeah. I think I'll just go up to my room."I go to leave but Phil stops me.

          "NO-I mean...No.You should really eat something-"   

           Before I can reply there's a knock at the door,and he rushes out.

         "Sam!Thank you for coming!"I hear Phil greet.

          Sam?Suddenly everything makes sense.How quiet Wilbur and Techno were,how they went upstairs without a second thought...How calm they were...They were just waiting to get rid of me...

      "Hello Mr.Minecraft, I brought someone along, I hope you don't mind."I hear Sam say.

       "No!Not at all!"I hear Phil say."I'm Phil Minecraft, and you are?"

        "Julia.Julia Smith."I hear an old woman's voice say.

         Julia?Why is Julia here?

         "Nice to meet you Mrs.Smith."

          "Just call me Julia."

          I hear footsteps entering the house and the door closing.

       "He's right in the kitchen here..."Phil appears in the doorway."Tommy?I'm sure you heard but there are people here to see you."

      Sam and Julia appear next to him.

      "Wh-Why are they here?I thought you said-You said-" I stumble out, I feel and sound like I'm about to cry.

      "Tommy,we're just here to talk."Sam says in the fake-kind voice he always uses around foster parents.

        "I-I don't want to talk. Phil-" I go to talk to Phil but he's gone.

         "Tommy, dear, calm down."Julia says calmly.

         "No-I'm not-"

         Julia grabs my arm and pulls me into the living room, and I sit on the couch.

         "Tommy.We're just gonna ask you a few questions."Sam says.

         "Just questions?"I ask quietly.

         "Just questions."Sam confirms.

         Sam takes out a paper from his pocket.
          "First question: Have you been physically harmed by any of the people living in this house?"




         "Second question: Do you think your mental/physical health has improved since you've lived here?"


       "Third question: Do you enjoy living here?"


         We went through the rest of the questions. Yes for the improvement and happy ones, and no for any negative ones.

        By the end of it,Sam looked impressed.

        "Julia's gonna ask you a few questions,while I go and talk to Phil."Sam says, and he leaves.

      "So..." Julia begins, "Do you like living here?"


       "Have you made any friends?"

        "A few."

         "How would you rate living here?"


          "What's bad about it?"

          "I don't know."

           "Alright..."She hesitates for a second."What would you think if your biological mother wanted to take you in?"

           I freeze. 

           "That's a hypothetical question, right?"

            "She called last week."





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