CHAPTER 9|School.(Gross.)

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School fights
Blood mention
(Tommy's pov)
    The rest of the night was Jack and I making inside jokes, Jack telling Wilbur things about me(Against my will.).

    By about 11:30, everyone had gone home and I went to sleep.


    "Tommy!Wake up!"Someone yells opening my door.

    "Grayson...Fuck off."I murmur, turning over.

    "Sorry kid,your still here,its Wilbur,not Grayson."Wilbur whispers,pushing me off my bed."Now get up and get ready for school."

   He leaves my room, shutting the door behind him.

   "What the fuck."I growl, getting up.

   I got changed and brushed my teeth and hair.

   I walked downstairs to the kitchen, where Techno and Wilbur are.

   "Hey kid."Techno greets, taking a bite of his food.

    "Hey Tommy."Wilbur greets, looking up at me.


     "You excited for school?"Wilbur asks as I sit down.


      "Oh.Uh....Ranboo and Tubbo go there!"

      "Cool. Where's Phil?"

      "He had to go to work early, you have his phone number right?"

       "Yup."I mumble, taking a bite of an apple I found.

      "Alright,if you ever need anything,just go and find me or Techno,or call Phil."Wilbur says,getting up and grabbing his keys."We have to go now."

       Wilbur practically drags Techno to his car, and once we're all ready, he begins driving.
      BITCHES(All caps for effects.)
Im being forced to attend school

Im being forced to go too pls send help

Im on break this week\


Wilbur's going on about how many friends im gonna make

Did sam not tell them that i usually get kicked out because of school

Tommy dont think about the past this is a good start

Yeah and from what ive seen their all nice people

Yeah too nice

I dont trust them

o i gotta go

bye!ill hopefully see you later

bye toms!

   I put my phone down as Wilbur stops the car.

   Techno gets out and grabs his bag without saying goodbye.

   "Just remember Tommy if you need anything-"

    "Yeah, yeah, I know.Bye."


    I walk into the school and get my schedule from the office.

    Alright, Tommy. You've got this. You've done this plenty of times before!

  I walk into my first period, the teacher briefly introducing me. The second period went by the same, same with third and fourth, until...lunch.

  I walk into the front of the school,kids littered across the front yard. I spot Jack and Wilbur with some other people on one side, and Techno and some guy in a smiley face mask on the other side.

   "Hey!Tommy right?"I hear a semi-friendly voice ask from right next to me.

    I look next to me and see Tubbo and Ranboo standing there.

    "Yeah...Uh...Hi, I guess."

     "Hi!You need someone to sit with?"Tubbo asks, smiling.

     I contemplate saying no,and going to sit with Jack(Jack.Not Wilbur.),but I decide against it."Yeah, I do."

    "Alright!Follow me!"

     Ranboo and Tubbo walk across the lawn to some random corner beside the stairs and I follow.

     "So...Tommy,do you like bees?"Tubbo asks.

      Ranboo and Tubbo spent the rest of lunch teaching me about bees.

      The rest of the day was pretty much uneventful...Until after school.

       I walked up to the roof after school ended.

       I sat next to one of the walls and just sat there thinking for about 30 minutes until I hear footsteps approaching the roof.

       I don't think anything of it, until I hear someone say, "So your Tommy huh?"

        I look up and see some guy with brown hair.

         "Mhm."I say, looking back down.

        He kicked me.Completely out of nowhere,he kicked me...And that started a fight. By the end of the fight, I had two black eyes, and I was bleeding everywhere.

         Eventually, he ran away, I don't exactly remember why.

         And I just sat there on the roof, just physically hurting. Everywhere.

        Great going Tommy. The first day at school and you already fucked everything up. First day. This is a new record for you.

      I sit there until I get a text.

Tommy?Are you okay?

       Oh, ignore the text. I'm already getting sent back, what's the point of trying to save myself at this point.

     I feel my phone blow up with texts, all from Techno, Wilbur, and Phil. There might even be a few from Jack, but I don't even care at this point.  
      I get up and begin walking home.

      They already spent a good amount of money on me...

       Before I know it I'm standing on Phil's doorstep. I slowly knock on the door.

        Phil quickly opens the door,"Tommy!Where the fuck have you-Holy shit."




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