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"Open your  damn mouth and talk!" the brunet shouted, grabbing the guy chin harshly, "Who sent you to spy on us?" the guy winced as the brunet held his chin little too hard as his nails dug on his chin. The guy eyes misted over with tears, "N-no one s-sent me, V! y-you h-have t--to trust me..."

The said male let out a frustrating sigh as he let go of the guy chin and turned to the guy next to him who was watching the guy with a bored look in his eyes, "Kill him Jimin. He's of no use" Jimin nodded his head and pulled his gun out and loaded it as he watched the guy face etching with absolute fear, a small smirk started dancing on his lips and pointed the gun to his head.

V smirked, walking to the wall, he placed his palms on the wall when he heard the guy screaming, "D-Don't kill me p-please!! I w-will t-tell you!!" V chuckled and turned around and walked back to him, "Speak"

"D-Deadly skulls sent m-me..." The guy blurted out in fear as Jimin was still pointing his gun on the guy's head. Taehyung clenched his fist,"Yeonsun" he spoke through his gritted his teeth as Jimin grip on the gun tightened. Turning to Jimin, he nodded at him who nodded back and Jimin turned to the guy and pulled the trigger.


He brought his gun down as he watched the guy life draining out of his body. V turned to Jackson, "Clean the mess" With that V walked out followed by Jimin. V made his way to his office, as he threw the door open and walked in, while Jimin just shook his head slightly, knowing that the leader is angry.

Closing the door after him, Jimin walked in and sighed watching V slumped shoulder, "Taehyung" He called out softly instantly gaining the younger attention, who turned around to look at him, "Jimin."

"You alright?" Jimin questioned, with a worried gaze, the younger smiled, "Yeah I'm fine, thank you" Jimin rolled his eyes and walked to him, "That's the basic answer every leader says. You know you don't have to act strong in front of me. No one is here, just you and me"

Taehyung sighed as he leaned his back on the table, "I don't even know why dad didn't kill him when Yeonsun killed my brother. He killed him right in front of our eyes Jimin, and he just let him go - now look at him! sending spies which clearly means he's planning something!" Turning around, he slammed his hands on the desk.

Jimin walked up to him and grabbed his arms to make him look at him, "Take a deep breath for me, yeah?" Taehyung glared at him, "This is not the time for deep breath Jim-" Jimin grip on his arms tightened, "Taehyung, you do what I say alright?" Taehyung looked away and took some breaths, trying to calm himself down.

He controls the mafia but even though he's the leader, he lets Jimin control him. If anyone had ever talked to him the way Jimin and his friends did they would probably be dead by now, but it's Jimin, he's not just his right-hand man but also his best friend he's crushing so hard on, the guy who was there for him through all his hard times, the guy who was not scared of him, the guy who didn't think he was a monster, the guy who keeps him sane.

"Look at me" Jimin spoke up softly and Taehyung slowly looked at Jimin, "You are Kim Taehyung, the guy everyone's scared of, the guy who don't hesitate to kill if someone ever messes with you. Why are you worrying about this? Whatever may it be he's planning, we are together - we can take him down, remember we are fighters not quitters"

A small sigh left Taehyung lips as he leaned his head on Jimin shoulder, placing his hands on his torso. A small smile etched on Jimin lips as he ran his hands on Taehyung silky hair, "Everything will be okay"

Taehyung hummed in reply, his warm breath falling on Jimin shoulder sending chills down his spine. Yes, they both are aware of their crushes on each other, but they know they can't be together in the world they are living in, it's dangerous - so they decided to be just friends.

But their feelings? it didn't fade away, if anything - it just keeps increasing as day passes by, and it really scares Jimin. He can't help but be worried that one day he won't be able to hold back anymore.

Taehyung is protective when it comes to Jimin, his sweet words, his sweet gestures, the way he takes cares of Jimin whenever he's sick, Taehyung soft spot for Jimin, the way he looks at Jimin like he's his whole world sometimes really scares him. As much as he loves it, he hates it. How can he throw his feelings away when he acts like this? It's hard, isn't it?

"Kim fucking Taehyung!!" Both Jimin and Taehyung pulled out, their eyes wide as saucers. Taehyung immediately pulled his gun out from his waist band and pointed it at the person who dashed into the room. Taehyung let out a sigh of relief after seeing the person, "You little brat! why the hell are you aiming your gun at me?!" Jin shouted. 

Taehyung lowered the gun and glared at Jin, "For fuck's sake, do you have to shout my name like that? Of course, I thought someone broke in!" Jimin placed his hands on his chest, inhaling a deep breath, "For real hyung, you scared me" 

Jin rolled his eyes, "It's freaking 9 am and everyone is waiting for you both down for breakfast but here you both are, being romantic and shit" Taehyung sighed, "God, hyung, what the fuck do you mean by romantic? There is nothing between me and Jimin" 

Jin looked at both the boys weirdly, "That's the big joke of the year" Taehyung looked at Jimin, who returned his gaze and shrugged, "Why are you looking at me? I already told them there is nothing between us, they just won't believe me" Taehyung groaned and shook his head in disbelief, "Let's just go, didn't you say everyone is waiting for us?" Taehyung walked past Jin but Jin smacked the back of his head. Jimin covered his mouth, muffling his laughter as Taehyung rubbed the back of his head, glaring at Jin, "Don't try to change the topic" 

"Whatever" Taehyung sniggered, walking out. Jin turned to Jimin who immediately stopped laughing, "Oh no, Taehyung don't leave me alone!" He tried to run out but Jin stopped him by standing in front of the door, "Oh not so fast" Jimin sighed, running his hands on his hair. 

"You like him, don't you?" Jimin laughed, awkwardly, "Hyung, everyone must be waiting for us. They might be hungry, you know?" Jin smiled sweetly, "They can wait now tell me" Jimin let out a defeated sigh, "Yes hyung, I like him, and before you say something, I know he still likes me, but we can't be together, that's all." 

"But you guys were together before, why did you guys break up?" Jimin looked at him, his heart tightening at the memory. 

"Maybe you should go and ask him that."


This is just the first chapter so sorry if it's short :(

It'll be longer from next chapter!

Btw... how was it? 

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