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Taehyung took a deep breath as he glanced down at the tomb, holding white lilies in his hands. He crouched down and placed the lilies in front of his brother tomb, a small smile rested on his lips as he looked at his brother name 'KIM GAEUL' written in bold letters on the stone.

"It's been a while, huh?" he spoke, chuckling right after, trying to blink away his tears because he didn't want to cry. He can't cry.

When did he visit his brother last time? a month back? or a year? 2 years...?

Taehyung had no idea when he had last been here. He was so preoccupied with other things that he couldn't find time to come here. He was so lost today, and the argument he had with Jin last night didn't help either. If his brother was here... he would've helped him and showed him the right path, but he wasn't here and Taehyung didn't know what to do or who to go to.

He maybe the leader of a powerful mafia, but he still has days when he feels lonely and lost, but he still masks it behind his cold exterior, not wanting to let his walls down, but at moments like this, he doesn't know what to do, he can't just stop thinking.

And then there is Jimin...

No matter how much he tries to shove his feelings for Jimin away, he couldn't. He just couldn't. How could he? how was he supposed to do that when Jimin cares about him more than anyone else? he tried to stay away from Jimin, but it is really hard when he sees him almost every day, every second. These times, he regrets making Jimin as his right hand; maybe he wouldn't have to see him as much, but there is no one Taehyung trusts more than Jimin.

Don't get him wrong: Taehyung trusts all of his friends, but he's not particularly close to them. Taehyung was always the cold one, the one who kept to himself. After all he had been through as a kid, when he was neglected by everyone in his school, when he was considered as a monster by almost everyone, Taehyung just gave up on socializing and kept to himself.

He never speaks unless absolutely necessary, and when he does, it's usually 'Yes' 'No' 'What' 'Fuck off'. That was always the case, and Taehyung didn't mind it until Jimin walked into his life. When he saw Jimin, Taehyung wasn't really a fan of him, and he remembers very well when Jimin talked to him for the first time...

10 years ago

"Taehyung! Gaeul!" Mr kim voice rang on the house and the said male groaned and placed his phone down and walked out of his room and made his way downstairs, perplexed as to why his father is calling him at night, it was like 11 pm or something.

"Yes dad?" He asked as soon as he spotted his dad in the living room, soon his brother Gaeul walked down and stood next to Taehyung, Gaeul looked at Taehyung and raised his eyebrows, to which Taehyung just shrugged gesturing that he don't know.

Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows up when Mr Kim stepped aside, his eyes landed on a boy behind him who looked the same age around him, his black hair falling on his face messily, his clothes a little dirty and torn here and there. Who the heck is this guy?

The brothers looked at Mr Kim confusingly, Mr Kim smiled at them, "This is Jimin" he said, pointing to the boy and turned to him and pointed to Gaeul, "This is Kim Gaeul, my first son" The boy- Jimin looked up at the boy and nodded his head, a small smile danced on his lips, "he's 4 years older than you" Gaeul gave him a warm smile and gave him a little wave, "You can go to him if you need any help"

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