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Jimin was frustrated and worried


Because Taehyung was ignoring him since the morning. He hasn't seen him since the morning. Taehyung was not even on his office. Jimin checked everywhere Taehyung goes to, but there was no trace of Taehyung, which worried him. He knows Taehyung is more than capable of looking after himself or defending himself if he gets himself into trouble, but he can't help but be worried. 

Did he leave because he wanted to ignore him? he wasn't sure. As if on time, Jimin heard the creaking sound from the door, Jimin turned his head to find Taehyung walking in, twirling his car keys on his index finger idly, his other hand was stuffed inside his pocket, his lips formed a 'o' as he quietly whistled a melody.

As soon as his eyes landed on Jimin, a small smile made its way to his lips as he held the car key using his thumb and waved at Jimin, eliciting a glare from Jimin. Taehyung walked over and tossed the key on the table and sat next to Jimin on the sofa, "What's with the frown?" Jimin closed his eyes. Why is he talking like he just didn't disappear the whole day?

"Stop acting like nothing happened!" Taehyung looked at him confusingly, "What happened?" Jimin glared at him, "Where the hell were you? I checked everywher—" Taehyung cut him off by placing a soft kiss on his forehead, taking the elder by shock. Taehyung lips lingered on his forehead for a minute before pulling away, "Did you check the Wonhyo bridge?" Jimin shook his head slightly, "You are telling me you were in the Wonhyo bridge for like the whole day?" 

Taehyung shrugged and inhaled a deep breath and smiled, "My mind was clouded, so I wanted to clear my mind and I went there" Jimin nodded in understanding, "Is your mind cleared now?" Taehyung smiled and kissed Jimin nose, "Yes. Yes it is" Jimin cheeks grew hot at the gesture as he looked away not wanting Taehyung to look at Jimin flushed cheeks because he was sure Taehyung will make fun of him. Taehyung chuckled as he stood up and took Jimin hands and hoisted him up, who looked at him weirdly. 

Taehyung let go of his hands and facepalmed himself, "I actually forgot something in the car. Just... wait for me in my room, I'll be right back" he spoke hurriedly before grabbing his car keys and rushing out, "Okay..." Jimin spoke unsure, before turning around and making his way to upstairs and to Taehyung room. What's with him?

Jimin entered Taehyung's room and sat on Taehyung's bed, patiently waiting for Taehyung. Jimin brought his hands up and started chewing on his nails. Taehyung didn't seem like he was ignoring him because he seemed to be in a good mood which is quite rare and in top of it all, Taehyung was smiling the whole time. Jimin ruffled his hair, frustratingly. What's going on?

Soon, the door opened and Taehyung walked in holding something behind his back.  He smiled at Jimin who blinked his eyes once, twice, thrice. Who is this? and what did he do to Taehyung?

"Why are you looking at me as if you have seen a ghost?" Jimin shook his head mumbling the word 'nothing' as Taehyung walked over to the bed and sat down , "Um...' Taehyung started, drawing Jimin attention, "I don't really know how to do this but like here" he said handing him something. Jimin got it from him and examined it. 

It was a photo frame of Taehyung and Jimin. Jimin persuaded Taehyung to take a selfie with him years ago, and Taehyung framed the photo. Taehyung had a bored expression on his face, while Jimin stuck his tongue out to the camera, putting his index and middle fingers behind Taehyung's head, making it look like a horn, but what surprised him was the bold letters written on top of the photo of them, 'Be my boyfriend?' There was also something written below the photo, 'No more running away, promise :)'

Taehyung bit his lip as he stared at Jimin with anticipated eyes, but Jimin's eyes were focused on the frame, and he wasn't saying anything, making the younger nervous, and his increased heartbeat didn't help either. Jimin slowly removed his eyes from the frame and looked at Taehyung and extended his hands, "Can I have a permanent marker?" Taehyung gave him a small nod, nervousness clearly visible in his eyes as he stood up and walked to the table and opened the drawer and grabbed the marker before closing it and walking toward Jimin and handed it to him, "Here"

Jimin got it from him  and started writing something on the wooden frame while Taehyung sat down. After a minute Jimin capped the marker and placed it on the bed and showed the frame to Taehyung. The brunet eyes trailed over what Jimin wrote...

"Yes, I'll be your boyfriend, idiot ♡︎
You better keep your promise :< "

"I really tried to stay away from you, Jimin. I really did but..." Taehyung trailed off as he brushed Jimin cheeks who leaned on his touch, "No matter how much I tried to stay away from you, I couldn't— just like gravity, something always pulls me back to you" Jimin smile widened as he kissed Taehyung fingers, "Good, I don't want you to stay away from me" Taehyung reached out and took the frame from Jimin hands and placed it on the bed before leaning in and capturing Jimin lips on his, placing his hand on the side of Jimin neck. Jimin closed his eyes and let his lips sync with Taehyung's and placed his hand on the nape of Taehyung neck.

After a few minutes, as much as they didn't want to pull away, their lungs started burning for oxygen, causing them to pull away. Taehyung looked at Jimin, a fond smile dancing on his lips and Jimin let out a breathy chuckle, "Don't you dare... break up with me like you did 3 years back, if you did this time... I'll walk out of your life, Taehyung. I'm a human too, I get tired too... I get hurt too" 

"I won't, Jimin— fuck, I really won't" Taehyung spoke, leaning his forehead against Jimin's forehead. Taehyung took a deep breath, "But... can we keep this as secret? It's not that I don't want to be seen with you. No, but I don't want you to get hurt just because you are my boyfriend" Jimin smiled and nodded, "I know, I understand"  

Taehyung drew back and motioned with his index finger for him to wait. Jimin saw Taehyung standing up, going to his wardrobe, and opening it. Jimin face scrunched up in surprise when he saw Taehyung picking something from the drawer,  He smiled as he closed the drawer and cupboard and turned to face Jimin. Taehyung walked over to Jimin and leaned in closer, causing Jimin's breath to hitch. Taehyung kissed his nose before leaning closer to Jimin ears.

After a minute Taehyung pulled away and Jimin looked down to find a silver chain with a petal dollar dangling down his neck. Jimin smiled as he took the dollar, "This chain... you still have it?" Taehyung nodded and placed a soft kiss on Jimin forehead, "Yeah... it belongs to you, I can't throw it away" 

"You are cute" Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Shut up, I'm not" Taehyung hugged Jimin from the side and nuzzled his nose on the side of Jimin neck, lying on the bed, pulling Jimin along with him eliciting a chuckle from Jimin, "You are not cute, huh?" Taehyung closed his eyes, "I'm not now let's get to sleep, I'm tired"

"TAEHYUNG!" Both the boys looked up to find Jin at the door, looking worriedly at them. Both Taehyung and Jimin sat up, "What's wrong?" 

"I just got the call from the hospital, there's an emergency. Someone got into an accident, and I was called to do the surgery" 

"Okay then, why are you wasting your time here? go to hospital" Taehyung spoke, looking at Jin confused. Jin sighed and looked at Taehyung worriedly, "Taehyung..." 

"It was your dad. He got into an accident"


1402 words. 

They got together so soon, don't you think that means something? ;) 

What do you think? was the accident planned? 

djsshdsj I hope you enjoyed the chapter <3

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