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Taehyung panted heavily as he punched the punching bag forcefully, sweat dripping off his forehead, his lips parted as his breaths came out as gasps. He threw another hard punch and wiped the sweat off his forehead as he watched the punching bag sway back and forth a bit.

Taehyung glanced down at his knuckles to find blood on the cloth he wrapped around his knuckles, which was hurting, but Taehyung didn't care, he continued throwing punches over and over, letting all his frustrations out. 

'Stay away from him. he's a freak'

Taehyung gulped and threw another punch on the bag, feeling his knuckles burn, begging him to stop, but Taehyung didn't care. He just didn't. He really desired that all voices from the past cease. He just wanted it to stop so badly. He is a powerful leader for fuck's sake, he killed everyone who messed with him, so why can't he kill off the voices? Just why was it so hard?

'I regret giving birth to a damn monster!' 

Taehyung slowly came to a halt and rested his head against the punching bag, a bitter laugh leaving his mouth, "Monster, huh?" He stepped away from the bag and glared at it, before pulling his gun out of his waistband and aimed at the bag and shot it continuously, his chest rose up and down, heavy breaths escaped his lips. 

"Whoa, whoa, slow down there"  Taehyung came to a halt when he heard a familiar voice call out to him. He slowly lowered his gun and looked at the shattered punch bag, his face expressionless. He just stared at it numbly, not even bothering to glance at the person calling him. 

The blond stared at the boy, worried and slowly approached Taehyung, taking cautious steps. When he finally approached him, he gently took the gun out of his hands, Taehyung finally looked at him, his eyes cold as usual. The blond eyes trailed to Taehyung bleeding knuckles and reached out to inspect them, but Taehyung drew his hand away before he could, "I'm fine" 

Taehyung walked to the corner and grabbed the water bottle, he placed there before. He opened the cap and gulped down the water, his adam apple bobbed up and down. He caped the bottle and placed it down as the blond made his way over to him, "Are you really okay?" 

"I'm okay, Namjoon hyung" Taehyung answered, turning around to face the elder, "What got you so worked up that you were acting crazy just a minute back?" Taehyung shrugged, "I was just working out" Namjoon rolled his eyes, "You were shooting the punching bag, that's not working out."  Taehyung glared at him, "If I say nothing, it's nothing. Can't you just leave at that?" 

Namjoon sighed and looked down at Taehyung knuckles, "Your knuckles are bleeding" Taehyung rolled his eyes, "Oh my god, I didn't know, thanks for letting me know" Namjoon glared at him, "Stop talking back and go and dress it, idiot" Taehyung shrugged and Namjoon glared at him, "I said go and do it" 

"Who the heck are you to order me around?" Namjoon groaned, growing frustrated, "I'm your hyung, go and do it before I drag you and do it myself, and you know damn well I will" Taehyung let out a defeated sigh, "Fine whatever" 


Taehyung sat on his bed and buried his face in his hands and he didn't treat his knuckles yet. For some reason, he wanted to feel the pain, so he just let it be even though his knuckles were hurting like shit. He snapped his head up when he felt a soft touch on his hands only to find Jimin looking at him worriedly. Jimin took Taehyung hands and examined it and Taehyung tried to wiggle out of his grip but Jimin glared at him, making him stop.

"Stay here, don't you dare move" Jimin spoke sternly before letting go of his hands and hurrying inside the bathroom. Taehyung sighed and looked down at his wrists, where Jimin had been holding them. A gentle smile appeared on his lips, and he brushed his hands along the area where Jimin was holding him.

Taehyung slapped his own head immediately. What the heck is wrong with me? He just held my hand, it's not like he haven't held them before. Control yourself, Kim Taehyung. 

Soon, he looked at Jimin who walked out of the bathroom with first aid kit on his hands. Taehyung inhaled a deep breath as he saw Jimin sitting next to him, placing the first aid down. Taehyung gaze never left Jimin, who was completely obvious to it since he was so busy with grabbing the cotton and the alcohol.  

Jimin slowly took Taehyung hands in his, "Okay... this may hurt..." he spoke as he gently jabbed the cotton on Taehyung knuckles, causing Taehyung to hiss and pull his hands out, "Ah fuck no—Just leave it, it will heal on its own" Jimin glared at him and grabbed his hands once again, "You are a mafia leader for fuck's sake, I can't believe you are scared of this" 

Taehyung glared at him, "I'm not scared!" Jimin smirked at him, "Then show me, Kim Taehyung." the brunet sighed and stopped struggling on Jimin grip, who smiled victoriously, continuing to jab the cotton on Taehyung knuckles who hissed every now and then. 

Taehyung sighed as he gazed at Jimin, who's gaze was fixed on Taehyung knuckles, few strands of his hair fell on his forehead, Jimin kept blowing on his knuckles every now and then, trying to ease the pain. Taehyung's heart raced against his chest, as he let out soft breaths. Stupid heart, didn't I tell you not to beat like this? 

Taehyung eyes was so fixated on Jimin that he didn't notice Jimin was done with wrapping the bandage around his knuckles, "Done!" He smiled and looked up to find Taehyung staring at him with a lot of emotions in his eyes that Jimin couldn't decipher, "W-Why are you looking at me like that?" but he got no reply, Taehyung just stared at him but Jimin didn't fail to see the vulnerability Taehyung eyes held. 

"Tae, what—" He was cut off by Taehyung who wrapped his arms around Jimin waist, and buried his face in the crook of Jimin shoulder, "Don't say anything. Lets..." Taehyung trailed off before tightening his hold around Jimin, "Let's just stay like this, please" Jimin face scrunched into confusion but nonetheless, he wrapped his arms around the younger's neck and rested his chin on Taehyung shoulder, running his one hand on Taehyung hair in a soothing way. Taehyung closed his eyes and pressed a soft kiss on Jimin shoulder, making Jimin breath hitch. Taehyung felt tranquil.

Jimin was perplexed as to why Taehyung looks so down, but he didn't want to question it because he knows Taehyung will tell him when he's ready but right now, all he needed was comfort and Jimin was ready to give him that, without a doubt. 

They stayed like that for a while until Taehyung pulled away and inhaled a deep breath while Jimin gazed at him. Taehyung slowly opened his eyes, his gaze burning into Jimin's. His eyes slowly trailed down to Jimin lips, and Jimin was melting under his gaze— it was as if Taehyung eyes held fire and Jimin was ice, and he was melting under the warmth of Taehyung eyes. 

Jimin reached out and placed his hands on top of Taehyung hands that was resting on his lap, and gave them a firm squeeze. Without themselves realizing, both the boys leaned in. When their face was close to each other, Jimin took a deep breath, if either one of them leaned a little closer, they would be kissing. Taehyung gulped as he looked at Jimin eyes, who closed his eyes. Taehyung was about to lean in and connect their lips—


"Taehyungie hyung!"


1355 words. 

Lol, who thought they will kiss?

anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter uwu <3

This book reached 500 reads 🥺🥺

Thank you so muchhh <3333333

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