Chapter 8 - So not funny, Hailey.

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A few days have passed by already and now it's Wednesday.

My short time at this school has been pretty much the same and I hope that it won't stay like that because to be honest, it has gotten a teeny tiny bit boring already. No offense to Amelia and her group of friends but they literally talk about the same topics every single day at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Well, not all of them. Luke is still being the ignorant person that he seems to naturally be and simply does not want to even look into my direction. Not that I would even want him to.


I am on my way to the dance studio Mike showed me on Saturday, in order to have my first try out session there.

When we first walked into the building I was stunned because everything looked so expensive but at the same time incredibly comfortable because of the people of all ages, gathered together, laughing and talking among themselves. The woman we spoke to at the check in told me to come today since I had already missed the Saturday morning practise for my age group.

Yes, she literally used morning practise and Saturday in the same sentence.

But I cannot judge them based on their training hours. I would even wake up at four o'clock in the morning if that means I get to train where I want to.

On the positive side, today my training is during the evening and looking out of the subway, I see the sun starting to set already even though it's only six. Checking the time on my phone I notice that I maybe should have waited a little bit longer before I headed off since my Google Maps is telling me that I have 7 more minutes until I get to the studio and dance practise does not start until another 35.

I take the next stop out, the way I am supposed to according to Google and then proceed to try and navigate my way to my destination when I get out of the subway station. There really is not that much to navigate - if I am being 100% honest - because the only thing I have to do is walk straight ahead and at some point, turn a corner to the right. Well, I'm not complaining either since I prefer to be there early than getting lost in this massive city on my first trip out here alone.

When I finally open the doors of the studio, I see that there are mostly teens my age wandering through the massive space but a few little girls are walking out with their parents as well. One little girl in particular catches my attention as she is sitting in a bean bag chair next to the window and clutching her little 'My little pony' backpack to her chest. She looks a little bit sad and lost and I give her a nice smile, hoping to do at least some good, before walking to the changing rooms to get ready myself. She is probably just waiting for her parents to pick her up in a few minutes.

Only then, when I walk back out again, the little girl is still sitting there and her eyes are still glued to the window overlooking the busy street. I take slow steps towards her since my heart can't bear it to leave her alone now after it took me a good amount of time to change because the changing rooms have all been occupied already.

I sit down crossed legged in front of her and give her a friendly smile again.

"Hi there. I am Hailey"

"Hello." She answers in a thick British accent.

"I really like your backpack." I compliment her and see that this broke the ice immediately. Compliments and kids, it's pretty easy to remember actually.

"Thank you. My brother got it for me on my birthday."

"Well he seems to be a pretty good brother if he bought you such a great present." I smile and she nods but then looks back out of the window with a frown.

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