Chapter 10 - Speak from any experience?

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"He seems rude."

"Tell me about it." I answer Milli after I told her about what just happened a few minutes ago.

"But – now please don't kill me – he is like.. like the cockier and more confident old version of you."

"I thought so too!" I respond and know that Milli is surprised by my lack of anger or annoyance. "I even tried to explain that to him and he just straight up insulted me."

"Okay wow it's like there is – well were - two of you because that would have been your reaction as well if I ever said that to you before I grew on you." Both of us remember the countless times I had pushed her away just for stating the obvious all too well.

"I. Know." I sigh, feeling a little bit proud for overcoming that fear that was holding me back in my life.

"Maybe this was meant to be. Maybe this is what you are supposed to do at this school, you know, try to pull him up and out of his misery before he completely drowns in that pool of darkness. Save him like we saved you." Milli gushes and a laugh escapes me.

"Milli have you been watching too many movies on crack or something? You sound like you want to say that I am a prisoner in this school and my only way out is to fix the bad boy." I cannot contain my laughter as Milli tries to shut me up.

"It could be true! Stop mocking me!"

"Fine, fine." I stop but then the temptation wins over, "But out of pure curiousity: Do you think I could just take a latter and run for the hills before they get the chance to lock me into their basement and forever keep me there?" I ask in a serious voice before cracking up once more.

"My god, just stop it already!" She seems annoyed but I continue on laughing until I hear the line disconnect. I call her again immediately and she picks up on the first ring.


"You do not hang up on me young lady and now tell me about how you have been. Anything to gossip about?"

"Sadly, yes. Elliot told me that – I don't remember her name – apparently still has a crush on him and has been asking about if you two are still together and trying to hang out with him."

"When did that happen?"

"A week ago or so. Word spread fast that you are in London but don't worry 'bout it too much. Elliot has been rejecting her constantly." She tries to reassure me but to my own surprise as well, this is not what is bothering me the most about this stupid situation.

"And he did not think to tell me about that when we talked on the phone?"

"I guess he thought that it wasn't a big deal since nothing happened between them. Just like our little talk is no big deal." She calms me down and indicates that she won't tell him about this situation with Luke unless I want her to.

"Makes sense." There is nothing else for me to say, except to voice my agreement.


"How is my precious Emily?" I ask her in order to change the topic and it works.

"Ask her yourself. Em! Come get in here and talk to Hailey!" Milli shouts and I hear faint stomping.

"Auntie Hay!" Em shouts as the door bursts open and then there is silence.

"Where is she?" She asks and I have to supress my 'aw'.

"I'm still in London, Em." The sparkle in her voice from when she burst into this room is gone now.

"When will you come back to us?" She asks, definitely closer to the phone now and I hear something or someone shift.

"Soon, I hope."

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