Chapter 27 - Bossy.

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When I was a freshman, I started to count the days until my graduation and until I could leave the hell hole called high school again. When I was a sophomore, there was nothing different except that I then tried to act like one of these popular and nice and sweet girls in my class, which brought me in many experiences to be honest. When I was a junior, I literally had a countdown set on my phone when I would legally be dismissed from high school and all of these toxic people who were surrounding me. Now that I am a senior, I just don't worry about anything anymore. This change of mind didn't happen overnight, of course it didn't. But I fell in love with the person responsible for it overnight. Luke Adam Collins was the reason I learned how to really live again and not just be present. Not the entire reason, of course, because, in the end, I was the one who made the conscious choices, but he was the one who got this entire change of truly living my life going in the first place. He showed me how it feels to take risks and, in the end, always come out on top. He made me feel things I only saw in sappy romance movies and brought me back to life. The Hailey Scott who has a sarcastic and sassy response to everything. The one who kids just simply love. The Hailey that likes to tease everybody all the time and some might say has a few minor anger issues. The one who can't sleep without Blacky and is not ashamed of it. The Hailey who doesn't take anyone's bullshit and calls somebody out when she's had enough. The girl who holds her loved ones closest to her heart and always remembers even the smallest details. The girl who had fought three years of her life in a horrible home without any real help or anybody noticing. The girl which is indescribably amazing. That girl is Hailey Scott and I am proud of her. And I am in love with her.

"Hey." Luke greets me as I walk out of my art class and pulls me toward him as if I wouldn't have done that anyways.

"Hey there." I lean in to kiss him and feel the smile coming through on my lips immediately.

The usual stares that we get as we walk hand-in-hand through the hallway, which a few weeks back bothered me, now just fly past me without having the slightest bit of an effect on us.

"What are you doing today?" Luke asks as he draws circles on my hand with his thumb.

"I have to finish a drawing but that's it. Why?"

He spins me around and pushes me into the next free wall gently, a smile displayed on his face.

"I thought that maybe we could go out on a fancy date tonight." He suggests, his voice dripping with confidence just the way it makes my heart flutter every time.

"Go out with a cocky douchb-"

He swiftly kisses me before I can finish that sentence and my hands clutch to his hoodie, pulling him even closer. This has become a normal reaction of my body now. Luke pulls away and I feel a sense of longing wash over me from the lack of contact.

"I'll see you at seven. And put on that dress I bought you." He orders and I cross my arms in a playful way.

"Would you please do me the pleasure of wearing the beautiful dress I bought you, tonight?" He asks and I nod, pressing a light kiss on his cheek.

"Anything for you."

Together, we walk back to the dorms and as we reach my floor, Amelia passes by, her face turning angry immediately once she spots us. There hasn't been a single time that we talked again since the day everybody found out about Luke and me.

"Hailey! Wait up!" Luke shouts from behind me just as I was about to enter lunch hall. My movements come to a halt and I smile when he reaches me.

"Hey." I greet him lightly, not really sure what else to say or do.

"Hello." He moves in to kiss me and I let him, enjoying the sparks that rush through my blood at a lightning speed. Just in that moment, my stomach grumbles and we part, while he smirks.

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