Chapter 34 - Teasing might just be my favourite hobby.

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"Well, don't you girls look stunning." Sophia gushes as Milli and I rush through the house to collect everything we need for the party.

"Thank you," I give her a kiss on the cheek before stepping around her to see my best friend looking through the drawers in their shelf next to the front door. "What are you looking for now?"

"My keys." She says, throwing everything she just took out back into the drawer and moving on to the next one.

"You mean these keys?" Roberto asks her, a set of keys dangling from his pointer finger.

"You're my saviour, dad." She takes them from him and puts them into her purse.

"I think we're ready to go now."

"Finally." Simon stands up from the couch on which he has made himself comfortable for the last twenty minutes.

The three of us stand by the door, waiting for the parents to give us their usual preach about not drinking too much, no driving while intoxicated, no drugs, no sex blah blah blah. When it takes them a moment too long to start, I raise my eyebrows.

"No preach this time?"

"You're seniors on New Year's Eve. Any preach would be useless today." Roberto resonates with a slight chuckle and I wonder when exactly he got this loosened up about us partying.

"Besides, we know that you were raised to be smart and we trust you." His wife adds, giving him a nudge with her elbow.

"I think we should get out before they change their mind." Simon whispers, just a tad too loud and they hear him, earning him a look.

"Bye!" The three of us shouts slightly, rushing out of the door which is not as easy as we would like for it to be since the dresses that Milli bought for us are really tight. And the heels don't make it one bit better.

"Remind me to never let you buy our outfits alone again." I tell her once we are inside the car, with me taking shotgun and her having to sit in the back.

"You won't be complaining once all the guys are fawning over you, trust me." She smirks and I roll my eyes, not feeling the need to do anything other than have fun with my best friends tonight. No boys. No distractions. Just the three of us and an empty mind.

Luke and Sammy haven't showed up yesterday like we initially planned to do which made me feel a lot less anxious and tense, knowing that they won't get here anyways now and I can enjoy the break from that cheater. On the other hand, it did sting a bit to realise that he didn't even want to fight for me and try to come up with an excuse to make me forgive him for what he did. I guess he really didn't love me the way I thought he did.

"Whose house is this again?" Simon asks his cousin, noticing my absence and trying to bring me back to the present moment with success.

"It's one of the guy's I always hang out with at school." She just shrugs, scrolling through her phone with a smile.

"Let me guess: football player?"

"Yup." She nods, still not parting her eyes from her screen. Milli and Simon don't share the same schedules and breaks at school, which is why they have different friends there as well. Not all of them, but Milli has this strange bond with the entire football team. She comes to their practises sometimes, they eat lunch together, they drive her whenever she needs it and they literally treat her like one of the guys. It's fascinating, really. How she has all of them wrapped around her little finger without really doing anything other than being her true self. And even more amazing is that none of them want something more than friendship with her. Well, as far as I know it. It's like she is their sister instead of girl-friend. Though, I wonder if Sammy knows that. Never mind. It's none of my business to interfere with their relationship.

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