Chapter 21 - Auntie Hay?

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I'm bummed out. Like seriously annoyed, sad, angry and disappointed at the same time. Mom would not give into every single approach I tried to get her to let me fly back into The States during autumn break. I even offered her money.

But no.

Nothing. She won't let me and it's not even like I can do what I want because I still have a few more months until I finally turn eighteen. Mike has tried to cheer me up with his famous Halloween party that I will definitely go to but it's just not enough if all I want to do is see my friends. Mostly Milli, I really miss her.

My bad attitude is noticed immediately as I mutter a groggy 'morning' the first day of autumn break, still in London.

"What's wrong?" Luke is the first to ask, like always, and not even that can make butterflies erupt in my stomach the way it usually does.

"I'm still here." I simply answer and he nods, understanding my sour mood.

"Well I'm so so glad that we finally get a break before all hell breaks loose during finals season." Sammy exclaims cheerfully and Amanda just massages her head with her palms.

"Please don't remind me."

I share her opinion of not thinking about finals until they actually do get relevant in your life.

I go to grab a bite of my food when I remember that I did not even get myself anything because there was such a long line I did not want to wait in.

Luke suddenly sits down again and my head snaps up. He was gone? Wow. I really am not feeling it today. Like at all.

He slides a bowl of my favourite cereal, Choco shreddies, which is usually all gone by the time I make it to lunch hall and an orange juice.

My mouth opens and closes again, as I cannot make up the best words to describe how much getting me food means to me.

"A simple thank you would be enough." He responds to my silence and I eventually look up from the food and into his eyes.

"You are the man of my dreams." My brain came up with the cheesiest answer possible and I feel the warmth in my cheeks spreading already.

Good one, Hailey. Really good one.

He saves me a bit of my embarrassment by being the cocky guy he is. "Aren't I everybody's?"

"Only mine." Sammy stokes his bicep and Luke steps a visible metre away from him after shuddering. Sammy erupts in laughter and I do too, along with the rest of us while only Luke is still trying to rub off whatever imaginary mark his best mate has left on him.

"Hailey, I still have to borrow that one Maths assignment left from you we have to hand in today. Can we go and get it so that we don't have to think about it anymore?" He reminds me by the time breakfast hour is almost over and I stand up and take both of our plates to put them away.

"Sure. Let's do that right now." I suggest and he stands up with me. We say our goodbyes to the others and walk away in no rush.

"So what have you planned for our week of freedom?" He asks me as we get closer to the dorms and I shrug.

"The only thing I know for sure is that I have this family thing on Halloween. Maybe I'll spend some more time at the dance studio though." I explain my mostly non-existent plans and he smirks at me.

"That's great." How is me not using the break to it's best and highest potential a good thing?

"Why?" I furrow my eyebrows and he smirks. What is he thinking about?

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