Chapter 25 - Mom! Dad!

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"My head hurts." I groan and rub my eyes, shielding them from the sunrays shining through the huge and uncovered windows.

As I slowly come back to reality by waking up, I snap my eyes open when I feel an arm moving on my bare belly. What the- who-

Looking to my right, I see a pile of brunette hair and breathe out relieved, that I was not that intoxicated last night.

I shove Milli's arm away and she wakes up, looking up at me with her eyes fluttering closed more often than they stay open.

"Where are we?" She looks around the unfamiliar room before snuggling her head back into my belly like I'm some kind of pillow. I try to recall a few memories from last night and skip to the relevant ones for her question.

"At Luke's house. He offered us to stay the night."

"Surprised you aren't in a room with him considering how you two hit off at the party." She teases with a yawn, tickling my belly and I slap her hand away.

"You shouldn't be the one to talk after what happened with Sammy."

"Please, we only made out like twice, unlike you and Luke who couldn't keep your hands off of each other."

I roll my eyes at her and look for our phones on the bedside table.

"What time is it?" She asks me once I hand her her phone and check my phone screen full with notifications starting from yesterday evening.

"Almost twelve." I answer and start looking through my messages.

"When do we have to be at Mike's?"

"At seven."

We spend some time in comfortable silence, going through our socials separately before I shut my phone off again and start playing with her hair.

"Do you think we should start getting up?" I ask her and she shakes her head with a groan.

"I don't want to."

"I'll get you food." I offer, knowing that she will do anything for food, just like I would.

"Okay!" She jumps off the bed, taking a second to steady herself afterwards while I get out as well. Together we walk to the bathroom first, cringing at our smeared make up and ruined ponytails before we start laughing, not really knowing who looks worse.

"We look like we just got off of our shift at the strip club." She states and I double over in laughing, a tear falling out of my eye.

"Gotta put that fine ass to a use sometimes." I answer her with a smirk before she leans her chin on my shoulder, both of us looking at each other in the mirror.

"We need to do that more often." She says with a smile on her face.

"I agree."

Suddenly, both of our eyes light up with an idea and we turn to each other.

"Summer!" We both shout and start squealing and jumping up and down with excitement.

"Oh my god, yes! Before we go off to college we can make a trip through Europe together and party every day if we want to!" She says with so much enthusiasm that I can only respond equally as excited.

"Each country at least one party."



We continue brainstorming about our girls' trip as we wash off all the make-up from last night, which doesn't take us that long considering half of it was already gone.

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