Chapter 20 - I'm sorry.

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I feel the guilt wash over me as I see Luke and Sammy walk to their classes in front of me. Yesterday's dream sparked every single emotion in my body that I eventually couldn't help myself but to cry until the sun shone through my window hours later.

You could be able to tell that something is slightly off but if you're not one of those persons that want to know about it, you wouldn't be able to pin-point what exactly happened to me.

Somehow, the fact that I cried because of Luke and a stupid dream doesn't sit right with my gut. Generally speaking, a girl should never cry because of a guy, be that if they are together or not. In my case, I should not cry because of Luke, but I did and now I have to try and forget about it which I know is not possible anyway, but maybe I can just shove it down the back of my mind after some time. Just maybe.

I slow down my pace a bit once I notice that I have come fairly close to them again. The moment that they open the glass doors to the building, I take a few steps back in order for Luke to not get the chance and notice me in the reflection.

Once they're inside, I make my way in too, quickly rushing into my class before I would be late.

For the first time in this school semester, I actually enjoy listening to my history teacher as he tells us all about the romans and the beginning of astrology and astronomy. It takes my mind off of thinking about all the ways I'm going to ignore Luke now and how we can't be friends anymore. I just- I can't do that to myself or Elliot and I know that it'll hurt at the beginning, but with some time, both of us will eventually get over it. I mean, I'm sure that at least he will get over it.

"Class, we will finish early today since you worked on your assignments so well last time. Have a good rest of your day." Our teacher dismisses us and you can feel a positive shift in all of our moods.

Earlier lunch? Hell yeah.

Oh no. Hell no.

Lunch means seeing Luke, seeing Luke mean ignoring him, ignoring him means pain and pain, well pain means sad Hailey. And I don't want to be sad Hailey.

Nevertheless, I shuffle out of the classroom like all of the other students and catch Amanda on my way to the dorms.

"Hey." I tap her elbow and she smiles.

"Hey there."

"Did your class finish early as well?"

"Yeah, Mrs. Lay worried that we would catch a cold outside because it started to rain a bit." She explains and I nod, taking a look at the darkening sky.

"Isn't the weather in London supposed to always be this bad?" I ask, curious because I've only experienced quite the opposite since I've arrived here.

"In the movies, yes. But in real life, no. I mean not here where we are at least."

"I guess we're lucky then." I exclaim and she nods.

"Really lucky. Hey- do you want to go to the movies tonight with Amelia and I? It's kind of a thing for us to use bad weather for something like that."

I nod and smile genuinely, "Sure. I'd love that." Some simple girl time could be beneficial for me right now.

"Great. I'll knock on your door at six, okay?"

"Yes." I confirm our now same plans for the night and we part our ways to go to our separate rooms.

Lunch wasn't as bad as I had imagined it to be. Mostly because Luke got there pretty late after his teacher lost track of time during his lesson.

Though it killed me to have to ignore his intense and curious stare, I was relieved when he did not stop me afterwards to ask what is going on with me this time.

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