Chapter 22 - I don't know.

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"Hailey. You did not lie when you said this food was going to blow my mind." Simon admits after woolfing down a bacon burger and ordering another one with fries. The waitress gives him a strange look and asks us if we want anything else, but we politely decline her offer.

"I know." I agree and take some sweet potato fries off of my plate.

"It's nothing compared to Magg's though." Milli adds and I remember the little coffeeshop I can call a third home or rather my safe place after school. Sounds strange considering it was my workplace after all.

"How's Susan anyways?" I ask. I haven't seen nor heard from her since our last shift together at the beginning of summer break. On some days, I find myself missing her weekly college boy drama.

"She misses you as well and works even more now since Maggie doesn't want to hire another employee." She explains and I nod.

"I'd give so much for another daily free chocolate croissant from there." The dreaminess in my voice is evident and Elliot starts laughing next to me. I raise my eyebrow at him and he shakes his head, curling a strand of my hair between his fingers.

"I just vividly remember you burning your hand while you wanted to make those for us."

My friends erupt in suppressed chuckles as I lean back and cross my arms, a bit relieved that he isn't as close to me anymore. God, I sound so harsh.

"They still tasted amazing though."

"How would you know if we went to my place afterwards?"

"Because I got myself one during my shift." I reply in a duh tone and he leans into me. "Alright. Well, have you tried any desserts in London yet?"

"Only those at my school."

"Then we have our plans for when Simon finishes his second serving of food." He states and we all look at my best friend with the endless pit in his stomach.

"Oh you guys are just jealous you can't eat as much and still look this fabulous." Simon gestures to his actually shredded body and Milli and I share a look of distaste which he notices on first glance.

"As I said. Jealous." He repeats and I shake my head, running my fingers through my hair.

Milli's eyes light up with recognition. "Ah! Yes! I totally forgot to tell you, my Mom went to your hair stylist and she send like five colour packages for your hair."

"She did?" Sophia is literally the best. I haven't thought about my outgrowing roots since I sent that text to Sophia about needing to fix it soon. Luckily, my natural brown hair has a slight red shine to it so you can't notice it that much but you definitely do when you know that ginger is not my natural hair colour.

"Yes. She also demands that you call her more often." Milli adds and I just laugh. "I will. I promise."

"Come. Let's send her a picture of us right now." Simon suggests and we all agree, taking a quick selfie on his phone and he sends it to his aunt.

"Here you go." The waitress comes back with more even food and I ask her to prepare the check for us. Once she hands me the recipe, I take out my credit card and slap away the with money filled hands of the other three ones.

"Put your money away before I start to fight you." I threaten them and the waitress starts laughing at my stern face.

"Hailey-" Elliot starts but I interrupt him, "Put. Your. Money. Away." I deadpan and literally shove my credit card into her hands, closing the case with that movement. She gives the others one last glance before sliding it across the scanner and paying for our food.

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