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"Fuck" I groan out trying my best to hold back "gen-gent-gentle" her begging only made me want to go hard.

Without think I pushed into her going as deep as I could making her scream and start to shake "grey!" She yelled out I open my eyes recognizing the high voice


"shit!" I shoot up from my bed covers in sweat trying to slow my heart down as I get myself together I feel a wet liquid under my covers making me jump out of bed only to see me hard.

*knock knock*

Perfect fucking timing! "Wait" I yell to whoever was at my door "dude we're going to be late come on!" Mike yelled out.

"Go without me I'll meet you guys there" he says whatever before I hear his footsteps slowly start to fade.

Stupid ass dream.

I need to handle this before I go.


Today was much better then yesterday I'm all unpacked and cleaned up but after all that I was more tired then I ever have been and I still need to go to school.

"Outfit for today outfit for today what should it be!" I sing to myself as I look into my closet, a black and white skirt catches my attention before I decided to were that today along with a white sweater and some black boots.

I look into the mirror at my outfit pleased at what I have on but feel it's missing something, "necklaces" I whispered running over to my collection of gold and sliver jewelry.

A gold circular necklace shines brighter then the rest making me grab it and put it on bringing my outfit together.

I run back into my closet grabbing a leather jacket and a black belt with someone gold letters on it before grabbing a waffle and running downstairs to my bike.

Finally done getting ready takes so much energy out of me even though I wear the same thing everyday leather jacket, black jeans, white shirt and black boots.

I check my clock seeing that I'm ten minutes late for school I'll have to take shit from my father after school just great.


I shut the door before she can say anything hoping my dear step-mother wouldn't run out the house and try to talk to me which sadly she did.

But me being me I'd rather throw up then speak to her I quickly speed walk to my car "grey I was speaking to you"

All I do is look down waiting for her to speak again "will you be home for dinner" will I be home for dinner? She asked almost making me want to laugh.

Am I ever home for dinner! No! Not having the time for a argument I simply shake my head before getting into the car and driving off.

15 minutes later-

I arrive to school getting a whole much of stars, looks of fear should I say I start looking around for the guys a good five minutes of doing  so I finally found them under a tree all looking down at something.

As I get closer my eyes land on a small figure jumping up and down waving her hands like crazy "and then he was like I love you! Then she was like I love you too and he die and then I cried my heart out! And"

She yelled making everyone but me laugh  "your finally here!" Sam says wrapping his arm around serenity he said a few another things but I couldn't take my attention off of his arm I wanted to rip it off of her but  I couldn't.

"Grey!" My eyes shoot to see a smirking Sam just then the bell rings making me turn around and walk away.

"What was that" Jake ask running up to me  "nothing" I replied before Jake can speak again Sam caught up to us and started talking " I think I'll ask serenity out" he says mostly looking at me.

"Go for it" "sounds good" Mike and Jake say "grey" Sam says I look to my left staring at Sam for a moment before shrugging my shoulder and  turning right to be left alone.

After the guys said goodbye and headed to their classrooms I made my way to mine as well I couldn't walk with them because my class is in a whole different building.

My classes are still hard to fine but I'm getting the hang of it I enter social studies sitting in the seat all the way in the back

One hour later-
First hour passes finally! Sadly though we got homework it's due in two days but it's still homework and nobody likes homework.

"Hello" I turn to my right wanting to see who the deep voice came from "hello" I say to a tall dark haired guy "what's your name" he says with a smile on his face before leaning on a locker.


"Wouldn't it be nice if you asked my name"

"I'm sorry wha- what's your name" I asked just then 2 more guys walked up behind him with smiles on their faces I started to feel very uncomfortable and sadly nobody was in the hallway.

"Alex theses are my friends Luke and Marco"

"It's nice to meet you but I should get going" I tried to make my way out the build but one of his friends grabbed my arm holding me back

"Come on we just want to have some fun that's it we aren't going to hurt you"

"Please let go" not listening to me they start to drag my into the back of the building telling me to shut up or it will hurt even more.

Instead of listening I scream even louder not much coming out because of the hand over my mouth, once's their near the exit door they lay my on the group holding my arms and legs down preventing me from kicking them.

"STOP!" I scream hoping someone would hear me they payed no mind to me as one un-zipped his pants and got in between me I prepared myself for the pain I would feel.

A loud cracking noise stopped me from screaming my eyes open to see Jake punching one of the guys who were holding me down Mike punching the other and grey punching the one who unzipped his pants.

A pair of arms wrapped around me making me jump only to see Sam looking down on me I jump up wrapping my arms around him crying into his shirt.

After a little the fighting stopped only to leave 3 beaten up boys who could barely stand up Sam picked me up before handing me over to grey.

Right now I only wanted Sam he's the only one I really trusted "grey take her to the car after you get her cleaned up I'll catch up" "no I want you" I cried out reaching for Sam.

"Let me handle this I'll be right back ok" I started at him for a moment praying he would change his mind but ended my fighting when his hands balled in fist making me scared to touch or talk to him "grey take her".

Grey nodded before walking away holding me close to him making me less colder then I already was as I looked back I  could see Sam walk up to the three boys kicking and punching one of them but I lost sight after I left the building.

When leaving the building all eyes were on us making me hide my face into grey's chest I didn't know if he minded or not but right now I was to scared to care.

"I feel dizzy" I whispered out making grey and the others look down on me "you'll probably faint but your safe with us".

"What" i asked shortly after everything went black the last thing I saw were a pair of dark brown eyes looking down on me.

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