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"What about this" I say pointing to my computer "making sure the rooms comfortable?" Grey says rising a eyebrow "no grey, avoiding stressful situations" he sighs before laying his head in between my thighs again.

"Grey really I'm trying to figure something out" I say annoyed while pushing his head "serenity my whole life's a stressful situation what you said makes no fucking sense" he responds looking me in the eyes before rolling his.

Not even a second later he's sitting up apologizing and kissing my face before promising to take it seriously "I know it wasn't your fault , I'm ok" he looks at me for a second before laying back down.

"No alcohol" he groans before bitting my leg causing me to whine out in pain, "stop doing that before it leaves a mark" "that's the point" he quickly says biting my leg again.

Silence takes over as I look up more ways to help grey take some kind of control of himself "I don't like this" "like what?" I asked running my hands through his hair, his shoulder became less tense at my actions.

"I should be helping you" my head turns at his words I try and figure what he means but I'm lost "you really think I don't hear your crying at night" my mouth opens and closes trying to find some words to say.

"I-I- was just on my period nothing more" I lie trying to fool him right now should be about him not me and my tiny problems "lie, your clingy not sad"  I don't say anything simple because I had nothing to say.

"Tell me what's wrong"

"This is about you not me"

"I won't get better knowing your hurting love"

"I don't like seeing you hurt, and I can't do anything to help you I just want you happy" I finally confessed while tears  threaten run down my face.

"Everything I'm afraid of is happening, I'm hurting you more everyday."

I wipe my tears away feeling better that we're talking about our feelings grey doesn't like to he thinks it shows weakness but I find it sweet it shows that he trust me.

"I know you'd never hurt me on purpose"

"Love" grey says sitting up to face me before taking my face in his hands "let's run away for a little while leave all our problems behind" run away? I never though I could do that my whole life is here plus I have no money to support myself.

I know grey will pay for everything but I feel bad knowing that he'll pay for everything "grey we can't-

"Not forever just for a little while, We can go where ever you want let's go right now the guys can Handle the mafia for a while"

I look into grey's eyes that held fear in them he's usually always put together seeing him like this scares me, but getting him away from all this stress for a while will be good for him.

"Ok" I say finally giving in he takes my lips on his before saying he loves me multiple times "I'll go pack you pick where you want to go" he screams after running out the room.

I sit there waiting for him to come back I have no idea where I want to go vacationing has never been in my to do book because I never had the money for it.

"Which one do you want?" Grey asked dragging in two suit cases with the biggest smile on his face. Maybe this won't me so bad.

"Red, can we go to Hawaii?"

"Of course wherever you want to go"

Me and grey start packing while laughing and taking he kept naming all the places he wanted to show me that beautiful smile never leaving his face.

"I'm done"

"Yea me to, I'll carry theses downstairs" I nod my head before looking over the room to see if we missed anything when I opened my dresser a black colored lingerie catches my eyes.

Summer brought it for me saying grey would love it little did she know me and grey weren't have actually sex yet.

I close the dresser before turning "fuck it" I mumble to myself before quickly snatching the outfit out the dresser and stuffing it into my purse.

Won't hurt to be prepared, "the jets ready their just waiting on us" "jet?" I asked not know he had a jet, grey nodded his head before throwing our last bit of luggage into the trunk "I bought it for you" "stop buying things for me that are over a million dollars!" I screamed annoyed.

"We both know I'm not going to stop" he said with a smile I roll my eyes before getting into the car "what did you tell the guys" I asked looking back at the house as we drive away.

"We're going on vacation and sam in charge"

"Sam? I thought you would put Jake"

"You trust Sam the most so I kind of just decided it would be him"

I guess he's right.

After a while of driving me and grey finally arrived the the airport were his jet sat " I still don't like this" I pout crossing my arms " already bought it why not enjoy" he's right once again.

Once we're on to the jet me and grey start playing all kinds of games and like always i win them all "ahahah! Eat that!" I scream after beating him in Rock Paper Scissors.

"That's cheating!"

"How do you cheat in this game" I asked poking his head with my hand on my hip "mhn! I want a new game!" He whines crossing his arms like a toddler.

"And what game would you like for me to beat you in nexts" I feel bad for beating him buts his ego is way to high I'll just take a little of it to be safe "kissing game whoever stops kissing the other person first loses"

I think for a second on how I can win this game but there's really no way for me to cheat "deal, if you lose I want you to go back to school"

"Ok then if you lose I want to touch you whenever I want no matter where we are for a whole week"

I nod my head before sitting back down "when you lose don't cry" I tease getting closer to him he chuckle before smashing his lips onto mine and pushing me back.

At first I have everything under control but I soon lose that control when grey starts playing with my breast I wanted to pull back and say that cheating but we never classified the rules.

It become hard to kiss from the moan begging to come out I was praying I wouldn't moan into his mouth.

He slowly slipped his hands into shorts making me quickly close my legs if he starts I'll definitely lose.

"We have- Shit!"

I push grey back before covering my face from embarrassment before apologizing to the man "I win, thanks mark" grey says handing him 20 dollars.

"you cheated!!" I scream hitting his chest "no I didn't we never went over the rules"  cheater! Cheater! Cheater! I'll get my pay back! I push him off before retiring to my seat before looking away from him.

"Love" he laughs before kissing my cheek "go away" I'm never talking to him again, grey lifted me up before sitting my on his lap " don't be mad baby it's just a game"

I stay silent trying to stand my ground before I give in " I still want you to go back to school" I mumbled getting comfortable

"I know love anything for you"

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