Closer then close.

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"Fuck" my head feels like shit, where am I? This isn't the room I fainted in?! "Hello!" I scream hoping someone was near to hear me, sadly nothing was heard.

I decided to get up and look around to see where I was, "hello?" I yell again as I step out the room, once again no one answered, suddenly a loud sound of thunder erupted through the house making a loud scream erupt from me.

Slowly my heart beat returns to the normal pattern allowing me to return to what I was doing, as I walk through the house I noticed it had a lot of old pictures hanging on the wall.

It was dated 2018 with a family of 5 sitting sitting with no smiles on their face it's 2022 so it's not that long ago "it's my family" my hand flys to my heart after hearing a voice behind me "Jacob, I mean sir" I corrected myself still trying to get my breathing under control.

"For you it's Jacob babe" he says pulling me to him, I don't fight back instead I hug him back "your family beautiful" "on the outside, the inside they were evil" I pull back from his words before standing by his side admiring the picture once again.

"Were?" I asked wrapping my arms around myself "their dead now" he responds shoving his hands into his pockets "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bring up those hurtful memories" Jacob starts to chuckle at my words, this guy is sick.

"Why would you be? I killed them" my body froze at the smile on his face, if he had no problem killing his family what in my right mind made me think he wouldn't kill me.

"Don't be afraid, I only kill who I don't like" he explains grabbing me towards him "so just don't get on my bad side" he whispered in my ear, "come I have a surprise for you".

My mind is stuck on his creep word from before, how could he kill his own family with no sign of remorse to think for a second I had some faith in him.

"What do you think" I'm broken from my daze to see a tiny puppy 2 feet away from me "puppy !" I scream running up to it before taking it into a hug "you can name it whatever you like it's yours" I say a quick thank you before returning all my attention back to hero, that's what I choice to name him.

"Why did you buy me a puppy" I asked after a while of playing with hero, Jacob takes a breath before sitting down nexts to me on the floor "I'm sorry for hitting you again, I guess this is kind of my way of getting you to forgive me" he confess rubbing his neck.

At first my thoughts were, he's sick, he's delusional, hell no, but..... I always forgave grey for everything he did to be physically or mentally maybe just this one time I can forgive him besides who knows what will happen if I go against him it's best to keep playing his game.

I quickly kiss him on the cheek before looking back at hero again "it's ok, but nexts time you'll have to work for it" he nods his head with a smile before we sit in silence.

Yea fucking right

(Kitchen setting)

"Is it done yet" Jacob whines standing by the spaghetti "no just a few more minutes" another whine comes from him before he sneaks a spoon trying to taste the spaghetti "go read a book" she say before pushing him out the kitchen locking the door behind him.

"Baby serenity don't leave me" he cry's out making a laugh come from me "give me 5 minutes!" I scream finishing up the food.

Maybe I can poison it?

After I finish up the food Jacob sets the table shocking me at his manners, "baby I should fire the cook" he says stuffing food into his mouth "don't do that she needs the job, I'll cook if your good" I say laughing a little at Jacob face.

"Where'd you learn how to cook?"

I looked down as my past thoughts took over my mind all the days I was hit for cooking something wrong or not cooking at all "serenity!" Jacob screaming taking me out of the dark place in my head.

"You spaced out"

"I'm sorry" I mumble looking down for embarrassment "sensitive topic" he asked looking at me with sadness, I quickly nodded my head hoping to get away from this conversation.

"I'm sorry, I'll clean up love" he says taking my plate before his and heading to the kitchen, I thought when he died I would be able to get away from him it seems he's everywhere.

Fuck I feel sick "sleepy?" "Yea" I whispered holding my head, slowly he pulls me up before carrying me bridal style upstairs "thank you" I whispered "any time babe"


"Where the fuck are they!" I yell torturing some guy, he coughs up blood holding my fist on his shirt "fuck you" he spits out before smirking "kill him" I command to one of my members.

"Boss!we got something" a guy screams as I fall back into the couch covered in blood "I don't have all day" I scream waiting for someone to answer me, a guy is dragged out by two of my men.

"Where's my girl" i ask sitting up "Europe" he mumbles out a sigh comes from my mouth before sitting back down trying not to kill him on the spot "pocket" he mumbles falling down.

Everyone turns to me confused making my anger grow "don't fucking look at me check his pockets!" I scream causing three guys to look in all his pockets, after checking they hand me three picture making my blood boil.

Yea I might have told one of my guys to give some photos to grey of me and serenity kissing and hugging while she laughing.

She'll be mine one way or another either grey hates serenity or serenity hates grey "Jacob" I look up from my phone to see serenity carrying hero "can he sleep with us, please!!"

I laugh a little before walking up to her "of course" I say making a big smile take place on her face "I need to go do some work" "but it's really late shouldn't you get some sleep"

"I'll be back soon, before you wake up"

"Will you kill grey" she blurts out stopping me from moving "is that what you want" she looks down taking a minute to answer my question.

"The truth, I won't get mad"

"I still love him even though he hurt me" that's exactly what I was fearing.

"Soon you won't I promise you, how about me?" I asked sitting down nexts to her "what do you mean"

"Do you love me?"

"I, well I have something for you but we're not at love yet" she confess making me a little jealous but please that she trust me enough to tell me "that's good enough for me" I say kissing her face.


"Goodnight love"

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