Chapter 1: Amortentia

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~~~~Y/N POV~~~~


Currently, Daphne and I are just sitting in potions class, apparently, she thought it was funny to mess up our potion so she added unicorn blood when the potions book said SPECIFICALLY NOT to add unicorn blood.

I didn't notice until the potion exploded and splattered all over our robes

"Greengrass! Dalton!" Professor Slughorn yelled out clearly pissed

"I didn't do anything Professor!" I yelled back trying to prove that I'm innocent and had no take in this so I don't get detention. Obviously, it didn't work because Slughorns words were "Dalton, Greengrass Detention tonight with Professor Snape after dinner!" before the bell rang.

~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~

After I cleaned up my robes and took a shower and walked to the great hall for dinner, I sat down at the Slytherin table next to Draco, Theo, and Daphne. "Hey Mona," Daphne said as I sat down, I was still pissed at her for getting me in detention for something I didn't do so I just put potatoes on my plate while flipping her off

Theo snickered "Someones grumpy" I looked up at him while glaring and whispered to him so only he can hear "Fuck off" he smirked and said, "Yeah about that fucking thing are you in the mood for tonight?" I pushed my tongue to my cheek, slightly smiling, and answered his very bold question.

"I'll tell Daphne not to come to my dorm tonight" he smiled and continued to eat while starting a conversation up with Draco, my family was wealthy and famous so of course they got Dumbledore to give me my own dorm.


~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~

After dinner the Slytherins including me walked back to our common room getting ready for bed, I of course am skipping detention with Professor Snape because I can't stand to be in a room with his greasy ass hair.

Theo and I were sitting down at the common room couches waiting for everyone to go to bed "Alright guys imma hit the hay goodnight" Daphne said while standing up and heading towards her dorm "Goodnight" Theo and I say in unison. After Daphne closes the door to her dorm I look at it for a few minutes making sure she doesn't come back when I feel a pair of lips on my neck.

Its was Theo

"Mmh" I moaned when he hit my sweet spot, that must've made him more eager because he picked me up and carried me to my dorm. When he shut the door to my dorm he immediately pushed me up against the wall and kissed my lips.

I rubbed my clothed pussy on him trying to cause some friction "Theo please more" I said in between moans, that must've been his breaking point because he picked me up and pushed me on the bed, he tugged on the bottom of my shirt signaling he wanted it off.

I broke apart our lips and pulled my shirt off, I laid back down and Theo hovered over me and started to place trails of kisses down my jawline, to my neck sucking enough to leave marks, then to my chest and stopped there trying to unclip my bra, he clearly was having a hard time so I sat up slightly and unclipped my bra throwing it across the room.

He started leaving kisses on my breasts, he popped one nipple in his mouth while massaging the other one. he sucked on the nipple making a moan slip from my mouth "Theo oh god just fuck me already" I moaned getting frustrated by his teasing "As you wish darling" he pulled off my leggings and started rubbing circles on my clit through my panties, I moaned when he pulled off my panties and started leaving kisses down my thighs.

he started rubbing my folds and muttered "so wet for me darling? I feel honored" he inserted a finger and started pumping it in and out "Oh Theo fuck!" I moaned trying to control and hold them in so no one else hears us.

I decided it was too much so I picked up my wand from the side table and pointed it at the door muttering silencing and locking charms, Theo put his face near my pussy and started to lick and insert his tongue.

"Theo oh god don't stop" I moaned. He started to pump his fingers in me while licking and sucking on my clit, "Theo I'm gonna cum" I moaned out.

All of a sudden he stopped and I wined in frustration, "What the hell Theo" I complained, he shushed me and started taking his pants and boxers off leaving him completely naked like me. He inserted his dick in me, giving me time to adjust to his size before thrusting in and out of me, "Oh fuck!" I moaned loud.

Theo groaned and cursed under his breath. I reached behind him and started scratching his back leaving red marks. "I'm going to cum" Theo panted out, "me too" he took that as a sign to go faster, I could feel my climax coming, "Fuck!" I moaned out when I finished, Theo following close after.

He collapsed next to me sweaty and breathless, I panted and started to get up to put on some shorts and bra while Theo got some of his spare clothes that he kept in my closet, as you can tell he came here a lot.

I laid back down while pulling the covers over us, Theo turned the lamp off and said "Goodnight" I was already half asleep so I quietly wished him goodnight and let the darkness consume me.



The next few days were as boring as always for Ramona, you know the usual classes, studying, and being quite distant with the others which was not normal for Ramona to do considering she's a really loud and outgoing person.

The Slytherins and Gryffindors were currently in potions class

"Today I am going to be assigning partners for an assignment, for the next 9 days we will be brewing Amortentia" Professor Slughorn  announced to the class, some friends looked at each other in hopes of being partnered together "The partners are, Hermione Granger and Theodore Nott, Ron Weasley and Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass and Draco Malfoy" Ramona zoned out after that until a familiar name was called out

"Ramona Dalton and Harry Potter"



Hello Loves! so I just want to say some things. So first is that English is not my first language.  Second, What do you think will happen next? I already have plans in my notes app on my phone for the whole book. Also I didnt write the smut, I have a cousin who has no problem writing smut and she wishes to remain anonymous. I was not comfortable enough to write the smut so she gladly did the honors of helping out you horny people 😉. If you have any suggestions PLEASE comment them! I Love You!

-Ojos de ángel (Angel Eyes)

Edited on December 23, 2021

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