Chapter 4 The Wedding.

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"Home Sweet Home"

I rolled my eyes at his stupidness "So where am I staying?" Edward clapped his hands and pointed at the stairs "Your usual room" I nodded my head and started walking upstairs with my trunk.

I opened up my door to see a quite beautiful room that looked a lot like my dorm room back at Hogwarts. It had a nice white silk sheet bed with some vines on the wall behind it. It had music disks and drumsticks with posters on the wall beside it. My headboard had LED light strips running across the top of it. On the wall, it also had pictures of me and my friends. Near the window, there was a grey couch that had pillows and a small bookshelf beside it. There were music disks framed on my wall and a record player laying on my bedside table.

Whenever I visit which is quite frequently I would add new photos to my wall so there were a lot of resenting pictures of adventures I would go on.

I walked down after unpacking my trunk and when I got to the bottom of the stairs I asked Edward "Where are my favorite Cullens?" He smiled and opened his arms up "Uh duh I'm right here!!" he said like it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Right let me rephrase that. Where are Alice and Rosalie" don't get me wrong I love Esme but she's like a mother to me and I was talking like best friends wise so technically that doesn't count.

Edward rolled his eyes and slapped his hand on his chest "Ouch you have injured me little witch" I shook my head "Just.. forget I even asked" I rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen

I opened the fridge to see that there is nothing in here "Right forgot you don't eat" I walked out and grabbed Bella's truck keys "I'm going out" Bella yelled from the living room "For what?" I opened the door and yelled

"For food! do you expect me to starve?" I could practically hear Bella's eyes roll "Yeah yeah bring me back something!!" "Okay" I closed the door behind me and walked towards Bella's truck.

I opened the truck door and climbed into the front seat. I put the keys in the hole and turned the key to start the truck. Once the truck started I slightly turned to my side to grab the seatbelt and pulled it over my body to buckle myself.

I put the truck in reverse and looked behind me and pulled out of the driveway. After I got out of the driveway I started to drive to the restaurant. I pulled into the parking lot of Carver Café.

I walked in and saw my friend who worked here at the counter "Ramona! Hey!" I smiled at her "Hi Carol is great to see you!" She smiled big "Alright the usual?" I nodded "And Bella's usual as well" I added, She nodded and said "alright that'll be right up" I smiled at her and sat on a stool seat.

I pulled out my phone from my pocket to see that daphne sent a text to me.

Daffodil 🌼🤍

Hey, doll! I just wanted to check-in and make sure that you got there safely!

Hey, daph sorry that I'm just getting to you now! Yes I arrived here safe and sound

It's alright! glad you're okay! Pansy says Hi!

Tell her I said hi. I got to go I'm getting food for Bella and me.

Okay! Love you! drive safe, please.

Love you too! I promise I will

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