Chapter 9: Bad Flashback and Story telling

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It had been a couple of days after Alice showed Bella and Edward to their new home. We were all huddled around the fire and telling stories.

Rosalie took a sip of her beer and pointed it at me, "Okay, Ramona your turn" she said.

"My turn for what?" I asked confused.

"Tell us a story!" Emmet said.

"What kind of story?" I asked.

Everyone was thinking and all of a sudden a lightbulb went out in Edward's head, "How did u get pregnant?" he asked.

I chuckled "Well, I was 15, and I was in a relationship with another Vampire I met. It felt real...that I finally found someone who gets me. I had told him about the curse and he was so sweet and understanding. He told me that he will wait and find me in another life. Now you know me, the teenager I was, I was how do I say...unprotected when it came to certain things if you know what I mean." I said making everyone in the room chuckle

I cleared my throat and continued, "As you know becoming a vampire means that your emotions are heightened-" I was cut off by Jacob.

"Heightened? What does that mean?" he asked.

"Once you become a vampire your emotions are more strong because everything is enhanced. Anger becomes rage. When you're sad, you're in despair. Grief. Loss. It can cripple you," I said answering his question. He nodded and I continued my story.

"Well, when I found out I was pregnant, it was terrible. I hated every morning because I would get morning sickness a lot. I hated when I had mood swings because I would go off. When my boyfriend found out I was pregnant he was terrified..."


"Louis please," I begged my boyfriend.

"No Ramona, we made a monster," Louis said while packing his clothes.

"But what if he doesn't become a monster? Huh? What if he becomes a doctor and helps people? You ever thought of that?" I told him

"No, I haven't, because I know for a fact that this child will ruin our lives!" Louis shouted.

"Do not yell at me Louis, this is as much as your fault then it is mine," I told him.

He sighed and continued to pack away his things.

"Louis..." I called out for him. He ignored me and kept his focus on his bag.

"Louis stop!" I yelled grabbing his arm. He looked up at me and yanked his arm away.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"You can't leave me alone with our kid..." I whispered.

"Your kid Ramona, Your kid," He corrected making me look at him like he was a whole different person.

"I'm only 15..." I told him.

"So am I!" He yelled.

"But it would be easier with you here!!" I yelled back.

"No, no, I'm not ready," He said shaking his head.

"And you think I am!?" I yelled angrily.

"I have no one, Louis... No one!" I told him.

"Go to your dad," He said unbothered.

"He won't do or help with shit!" I told him.

"It's not my fault your mom died!" He screamed at me, then once he realized what he had said his face dropped.

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