Chapter One

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The sun was bright and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Gemma Malfoy was eating breakfast when she heard the news that she was going to the quidditch world cup that day. She was very excited because it was only going to be her, Draco, and her father Lucius Malfoy. Gemma was also going into her sixth year at Hogwarts right after the quidditch world cup.

Her mother soon came down the stairs and into the dining room. One of their many house-elves came bustling into the room with waffles and a small bowl of assorted fruits. The house-elves name was May. May was one of the only older house-elves left because some either disobeyed and they got killed or they died of old age. May came and brought her mother a copy of that day's Daily Prophet.

Narcissa Malfoy, also known as Narcissa Black. Narcissa Malfoy is a very wealthy woman who cared for both of her children dearly. She was a pure-blood too. Actually, all Malfoys were pure-bloods. A few moments later, her father and brother walked into the room.

"Well, I have a surprise for you kids today," Her father said, taking a seat at the end of the long dining room table. "In a few day's time, we are all going to be at the Quidditch world cup!"

Gemma spit out her drink as she said this, "My apologies father, mother. I am just excited to go."

Lucius smiled and her mother squeezed her hand. May came out of the kitchen with a long towel and cleaned up the spill. She then walked back into the kitchen.

"I better go change my pants. It's so sad that I had to get pumpkin juice all over them," Gemma walked out of the room and up the stairs to her bedroom. Gemma's bedroom was a light pink color with led lights shining a shade of pink. She also had a desk in the corner where she kept her owl treats and some quills with two large ink pots.

Gemma's parents were not fond of her getting the led lights, but they wanted her to be happy. Even though her father actually despised her for her love of muggle things he didn't show it. He knew that he could never show his daughter or she would be crushed.

After all, all Gemma wanted to do was make her parents proud. Gemma never really liked the house that she lived in. She hated the dark colors that filled every hallway and the House-elves heads that lined the staircases. When Gemma was a kid, she witnessed her father kill one of her favorite house-elves Rosy. Whenever she was home Gemma would always visit her grave in the family burial site that they had just off the grounds of the manor.

Today, Gemma was meeting her friends from Hogwarts. Including her boyfriend Marcus Flint. She never really liked Marcus because of his stupid blood purist ideas on wizarding life. Gemma was actually friends with the Weasley kids even though she never got to communicate with them.

Gemma would secretly send them letters through her owl Comet. She got into a black crop top with light blue jeans and put on her favorite shoes. Her parents and little brother never liked her wearing muggle clothes, but she had to get out of the house.

Gemma walked out of her room and down the stairs back to the dining room where her family still was. She walked in, gave her parents quick hugs, and then left. She was the first one to arrive and then it was her best friend of all time, Carly. Then Maeve. Cory and Charlie were the next ones to arrive. Marcus came next with their friend Vicky and last, but not least was Adrian who was always late.

As they walked down the roads they went into a few shops. Marcus had his arm around Gemma every shop they went into. They soon stopped at a little pub to get dinner. A waitress came over, took their order, and left them to talk.

"She seems nice," Charlie said as she grabbed a roll of bread from the middle of the table.

"Charlie you realize she is a muggle right?" Cory asked his girlfriend as he took something out of his pocket.

"I know, but she was really nice," Charlie said.

"Hey, did you hear that the Triwizard Tournament is happening at school this year?" Marcus asked to change the subject so the couple across from them would stop fighting.

"Yeah my dad told me about it," Gemma replied smiling at her friends and boyfriend. "I think I might enter. Change it up a little bit."

"No offense Gem, but I don't really think a girl could win the tournament," Adrian took a bite out of his salad that the waitress just dropped off.

"What do you mean by that?" Carly asked as she grabbed her knife and fork off the table and took the wrapping off of it.

"I just mean that some girls are weak," He took another bite out of his salad. Gemma gave him a nasty glare.

"End of discussion, I'm entering and there is nothing you can do to stop me, "Gemma retorted, giving him an evil smirk.

"That's my girl!" Marcus replied happily, giving Gemma a kiss on the cheek as she slightly blushed.

The group continued to talk and laugh all night until it was around midnight. They paid the waitress and walked out of the restaurant. Maeve and Vicky had already left because their parents were very strict and they had a curfew. Next was Adrian and Cory, leaving Charlie, Marcus, Gemma, and Carly to roam around a bit more.

Marcus then left because he had to do something early tomorrow so he wanted to at least get a little bit of sleep. That left the three girls. Now, these three girls were inseparable. Yet, they never truly got that much time to hang out.

The three girls didn't believe in blood purity and what was the superior blood type, but they could never tell anyone but each other that or they would be disowned.

"Why don't we just leave our homes and buy a flat together?" Cary asked as they all walked the streets arm in arm. "Wouldn't it be nice to get to actually be with someone that we truly love? Or actually, get to be friends with the people we wanted to be friends with."

"It would. Living a life that really truly wants to live. Now, that's something to think about right there," Charlie looked up at the stars.

"Imagine a life that we weren't ruled by our parents. Maybe then I could actually be with the person that I want to be with," Gemma sighed. Nobody knew that she had a thing for the one and only Fred Weasley besides Charlie and Carly. "I can't believe that we are going into our sixth year. Time has flown so fast."

"I know right. It feels like just yesterday we met on the Hogwarts Express," Carly looked at the two girls who looked at her. "It was also the day that someone ran into Fred Weasley."

They all looked at Gemma who was bent over laughing remembering the past memory. Then they all burst out laughing.

A couple of minutes later, they all stopped laughing and started walking up the road to the manor where all three girls were having a sleepover. They walked into the manor and walked up the stairs into Gemma's room where they found Lucius Malfoy standing in the room reading something.

They all stopped laughing as soon as they saw him. He slowly turned around and grabbed Gemma's hand. Gemma turned and looked at her friends and left with her father.

"Father, whatever you found or were reading, I can explain," Gemma started. Lucius then started to speak.

"I know you have been corresponding with the Weasleys. How dare you! I thought you that nasty filthy blood-traitors like them are not as superior as us!" He roared, but only Gemma could hear him since he put a silencing charm on the room that they were in.

"Father-" She was cut off by her father pointing his wand at her and saying a spell.


She screamed and fell to the floor.

A/n: Hey guys, this is Katie! Thank you so much for reading this new story that I'm writing. It means a lot to me. Hopefully, you like it. Also, go check out My One True Love if you haven't read that, and also check out Ari's story which is a Draco x reader story, and also go check out me and Ari's story that we wrote together, called Complicated Relationships.

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