Chapter Twenty Two

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This chapter may contain a slight tw about shaming people. If you are uncomfortable with that, then maybe don't read the first part of the chapter. I will write in bold letters when the tw is  over.
Gemma's POV

I went back to the Slytherin common room later that day to get ready for the party. Once I got there. I walked up to my dorm, that I barely used since I basically moved in to Fred's dorm, and walked inside. I saw Carly and Charlie squealing over something, Cora wasn't in the room, and Maeve was sitting on her bed reading a book.

Carly ran up to me, "Gemma! How have you been? We haven't seen you in so long!"

"I have been busy," I smiled walking over to my dresser that stood right in front of my bed.

"Oh yeah, busy shagging Fred Weasley no doubt," Charlie laughed from her bed.

"Shut up!" I glared at her while laughing.

"What it's probably true," Maeve spoke up not looking up from her book.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I questioned the girl that had a book in her hand.

"I mean, everyone knows now that you are the schools slut. We have just been waiting for the day that you would finally admit it," She smirked finally looking me in the eyes. "I mean, I never expected you to lose your virginity to a blood traitor, I thought that you were better than that."

"Um excuse me," I walked over to the girl sitting on her bed. "Last time I checked you were sleeping with a guy that one of their friends had just broken up with."

"Well, last time I checked Charlie was more into girls," Maeve said. "Anyways, shouldn't you be leaving now? I thought you just came in here to get some clothes."

"I did, but just for those comments i'll be staying here for a little longer.

Tw Over!

I stayed talking to Charlie and Carly before grabbing a dress out of my wardrobe and walking out of the dorm door. On my way out, I passed by Adrian talking with Marcus, Vicky, and Cory. He waved to me and I smiled at him before walking out of the common room. Before I left though, I saw out of the corner of my eye Marcus, Vicky, and Cory all hitting him on the back of the head. Poor Adrian I thought to myself. He probably doesn't want this, but to bad he can't just stand up to his parents.

I walked back to the Gryffindor common room before walking up the girls staircase into Ginny and Hermione's dorm room. They were both there talking when I walked in. Hermione was trying to tell Ginny about a book that she had read, but Ginny was trying to tell her that she didn't really care about books. "Hey girls, are we still on for going out tonight?"

"Yeah totally, I promised that I would do your make up," Ginny exclaimed walking into the bathroom that was connected to the dorm. She came out of the bathroom with a make up bag and four brushes. "Sit down in that chair." She pointed to a chair that was paired with a desk in the corner.

I walked over to it, grabbed the chair, brought it back over, and placed it in front of Ginny's bed. I sat down on the chair and she began applying a light coat of foundation before she moved on to eyeshadow. When she was done applying the eye shadow, she soon applied some blush and lip gloss before doing a final coat of lip stick. Hermione soon walked over to us with a bottle of Sleakeazy's hair gel before saying how she was going to do my hair for the night.

She walked behind me and started brushing out my blonde hair. My hair was very long and went down to my waist. She grabbed a hair clips off of Ginny's nightstand and started taking my hair into pieces and started putting it into pieces of the top of my head. She started removing the hair from out of the clips and had Ginny grab her a muggle curling iron that Hermione had brought with her for special occasions just in case she might need it. She started curling my hair lightly before she grabbed an elastic and began tying my hair into a tight bun letting small curls run down the sides of my head and face.

I quickly stood up off the chair and slid on my dress. The dress went down mid thigh and hugged my body. It was a dark red and had a slit down the leg. I picked this dress because I knew that Fred would like it.

"Hey Ginny, can I borrow these heels for tonight?" I asked pointing to a pair a red high heels sitting on the floor in front of her wardrobe.

"Of course," She replied smiling brightly as she applied a light coat of blush. "They are yours anyways." When I threw her a confused look she added, "I took them from your closet last year."

"Oh well thanks I guess," I smiled before sitting down on Hermione's bed and strapping the buckles onto my feet. The shoes had a whole at the toe and fit my feet perfectly. Now I remember why I had bought these shoes. They were absolutely gorgeous. I looked over to Hermione, who was trying to put up her hair. I walked over to her, and stood behind grabbing her hands that were trying to rangle her messy hair into a bun. "Need some help with that?"

"Oh please," Hermione begged. "I can't seem to get it to stay put."

I took my wand off of her bed and started magicking her hair to become straight. I then decided that I was going to french braid her hair. My mother taught me how to braid hair when I was six and when I mastered that, she decided to teach me how to french braid. By the time, I was done with Hermione's hair she looked like a completely different person. She was no longer that bushy haired girl that always had her head in a book. Hopefully something good for her happened tonight.

I looked across the room at Ginny who was finishing putting her shoes on, "Ready to go?" She asked standing up off of her bed that she was just sitting on.

"Yup!" Hermione and I exclaimed at the same time.

The three of us walked down the stairs into the common room where we would floo to a restaurant to hang out with the boys at. When we got down to the common room though, the boys were all there and so were Carly, Charlie, and Cora. There was a banner in the middle that read 'Happy Birthday Gemma' and a table with butter beer in the corner. Balloons were lining the walls and Fred was standing in the middle of the room with a wide grin on his face.

"Happy birthday!" Everyone yelled when I walked into the room.

"Aw, thanks guys!" I exclaimed bringing everyone into a hug.

Fred was the only person that I didn't hug yet. I walked over to were he was standing and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You did all of this for me? How can I thank you?"

"Well, you are the best girlfriend ever. And I know a way you can repay me later tonight," He growled into my ear.

"We'll see about that," I whispered into his ear before bringing my face level with his a giving him a light kiss on the lips.

"Hey you two!" I heard George yell from across the room. "No snogging! One of the rules!"

"Hey my party!" I yelled back while laughing. "My rules!"

George rolled his eyes before turning back around and continuing his conversation with Ron.

"Could he be any more annoying?" Fred scoffed rolling his eyes at his twin brother.

"I believe that he could," I spoke. "He is pretty loud. Remember that time that we had just kissed and he blabbed it all to the rest of your family saying that we shagged each other." I giggled remembering that day.

"Yup," Fred smiled looking at me in my eyes.

Just then the portrait whole opened and in walked Lucius Malfoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2021 ⏰

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