Chapter Seven

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Third Person POV

A month later, Marcus was still cheating on Gemma, but every night Fred and Gemma would sit at the tree with their feet on the water of the black lake and would just talk. They felt comfortable with each other, like they could tell each other anything and it would be fine. Tonight was one of those nights.

"So, has Marcus still been with that girl?" Fred asked as he moved a piece of hair out of Gemma's face and tucked it behind her ear.

"Oh, yeah... Less often but with multiple girls." Gemma mumbled.

"Okay, I'm sorry, did I hear that right?" Fred looked into her eyes. "Multiple girls? If he didn't like you- which why would anyone not like you? You're perfect in every way; you're beautiful, smart, kind, lovable, funny- anyways!! If he didn't like you, again why wouldn't he, all he should have just broken up with you and not cheated."

Gemma blushed slightly, "Well, it's not that simple. Our parents, ever since we were both born, had planned out for us to have an arranged marriage. We don't really have a say in the matter. If we say anything, we could get disowned."

Fred stared at her for a moment and then looked down at the water, "So, why are you upset...? If there are no feelings involved why do you care? Do you..." He paused, "like him?" He looked back up.

Gemma's face heated up more. "No! No!! It's not like that, I just... I wish he cared more about my feelings in the matter..." Gemma denied.

"What do you mean by that?" Fred questioned looking at Gemma's face, which was held in her hands as she glanced over the water, her blue eyes glimmering in the moonlight. "Does he even make you happy? Because if not I know lots of guys that are pure-bloods who would love to date you."

"Well I mean, we've been dating since we were eleven." She giggled slightly. "He has always made me happy, but not in the ways that I would have liked. Like maybe having him just having a heart to heart conversation or maybe even just cuddling, but he has always showered me with gifts." She paused for a moment to catch a breath. "I just want him to actually make me feel like I am his real girlfriend and not just some stupid girl from some arranged marriage."

"Hey, look at me," Fred grabbed her hands and she looked at his face. "If he doesn't treat you right then just do something about it. Gem, you're one of my best friends. I won't let him treat you like this."

"Fred, I don't want you to get in trouble because of me," Gemma sighed.

"I'd do anything for you Gemma Malfoy," Fred smiled and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "I promise."

"Yeah yeah, we should get back to the castle," Gemma got up off the ground patting her skirt which had some dirt on it. Gemma grabbed Fred's hands and lifted him off the ground.

"Hey you don't have to yank me so hard," He whined as they walked back to the castle together. "I think you just may have broken my wrists."

"Oh come on don't be such a wimp," Gemma nudged his shoulders. "Aren't Gryffindors supposed to be brave?"

"I am very brave for your information," Fred chuckled.

"Uh huh so brave that you can't even handle the pain from when a girl pulls you off the ground," She laughed.

"Hey, why are you mean to me?" He asked as he gave Gemma a small smirk.

"I'm not mean to you I just like to pick on you because it's fun," She gave him a small wink and started running down the corridor.

Fred quickly chased after her as she stuck her arms out and let her hair fly everywhere. Her legs weren't that long, so Fred easily caught up to her. "Why are we running?"

"I don't know, but I like it," The two continued running in silence until they stopped at an empty classroom.

"I can't run anymore," Fred said, bending down and holding his stomach because he had a massive cramp in the side of his stomach.

"Me neither," Gemma said, also bending down.

"Why do you like running so much?" Fred asked as they walked closer to each other.

"It makes me feel free," Gemma looked down at her feet. "Freedom is a feeling that I have never really had before. I guess running free is like something that everyone should get once in a while. You know?" Gemma looked up at Fred as he nodded and the two heard a click.

"What was that?" Fred asked as he walked towards the door that had been previously open but was currently shut and what seemed to be locked.

"Why is it locked?" Gemma asked as she tried to open the door, but just like when Fred did it, it didn't budge. "It was open a second ago."

"Maybe someone from the outside locked it?" Fred suggested.

"Well, what are we going to do? I have to get back to my common room before someone suspects where I have been," Gemma walked towards the door, but Fred grabbed her hand.

"Stay," He looked desperate. "Please."

"Sure," she slid into an open desk and pulled out a chair. "Why did you want me to stay?"

"Well, Gem I-I just wanted to let you kno-" the door suddenly swung open and it revealed Marcus Flint and Adrian Pucey looking mad. Carly and Charlie behind them with guilty looks on their faces.

"What is going on here?" Adrian asked hotly.

"Someone locked me in here with Weasley for some strange reason," Gemma said looking at Fred who was standing behind her. She gave him a wink before turning her attention back to her friends in front of her.

"Well, next time I see one of you near each other he is going to get hurt," Marcus glared at the both of them.

Thats when Fred lost it. He went straight up to Marcus and started beating the shit out of him. Gemma was trying to pull Fred off of Marcus, while Adrian was trying to pull Adrian out of Fred's grasp.

Fred continued punching him until he spoke up, "That's what you get for cheating on your girlfriend. Some boyfriend you are." Fred spat on the ground before walking out of the classroom.

"What does he mean by that?"Marcus asked looking at the rest of us.

Gemma decided to speak up, "Well it means that I know and told him that you've been cheating on me for the past month and maybe even longer."

"What! How did you know?" His face was red with anger.

"I found out a month ago when I was talking to Char and you cam in snogging a girl and them brought her up to your dorm," Gemma started picking at her finger nails. "And now that you just told me. We are done Marcus good luck finding a date and a wife in the future."

Gemma walked out the door not looking back. She ran to the Gryffindor common room and opened the portrait to see Fred and Angelina snogging in a corner. Gemma closed the portrait before running down the halls back to the dungeons.

She ran up past everyone and ran into my dorm. Gemma didn't even bother to change. She spent the rest of the night crying herself to sleep.

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