Chapter Nine

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Gemma's POV

I was walking down the hallway, on my way to the black lake, when I saw Draco walking down a corridor by himself.

"Hey Dray," I said putting my arm around him."Why are you out in the corridors all by yourself like a bloody idiot?"

"Well, I decided that I wanted to hang by myself and not with Pansy being all over me, or Blaise asking me every five seconds if I am going to be ok with the divorce," Draco scratched his arms.

"Well, I would go to the common room, that might be a place where you can have some alone time," I suggested.

"No, they will suspect that I'm there," Draco put his finger onto his chin and started tapping it. "Hey, what if I go to the Black Lake? That's the only place they won't suspect me to go."

I quickly thought of something. "Hey, what if you go to the Astronomy Tower?"

"That sounds like a good idea," he smiled. "Thanks, sis!"

Draco walked down the corridor and up a flight of stairs. I made sure that he was fully up the stairs and out of sight, I raced to the Lake.

I saw Fred sitting on a red and white checkered picnic blanket. He had a brown basket that looked really old. I walked over and sat down next to him.

"Hey," he smiled as I grabbed the bottle of butterbeer that he had and poured myself a glass.

"Hey, sorry it took me so long," I put the bottle down onto the grass next to me. "I bumped into Draco. Told him to go to the Astronomy tower."

"He didn't go to Hogsmeade with basically like everyone else in the castle?" Fred questioned.

"No told me his friends have been bothering him," I looked up at Fred. He had a questioning look on his face. "I mean, I wouldn't blame him for not wanting to hang with them. They are all annoying. Especially Pansy clinging to him every five seconds."

"Wait I thought that all you purebloods liked each other?" Fred asked pouring himself a glass of butterbeer as well.

"Well not so much me and everyone," I started, "just I hate Pansy."

"I get that," Fred looked out at the lake. "She always is bullying Ron."

"Oh I had no idea," I said nervously. Fred turned his head back to me and smiled. He then turned his head back to the lake.

We sat there in an awkward silence before he finally spoke up, "Fancy anyone now that you and Flint aren't dating anymore?"

"Not really," I shrugged my shoulders. "I mean I have been fancying this one guy for so long, but it hasn't really worked out for me. Anyways, have you fancied anyone since we've been back?"

"Believe it or not I have a wonderful girlfriend," he bragged.

"Wow I never thought that someone would want to date an overgrown carrot," I scoffed. I felt a bubble inside of me. Something that has only ever been there once. When a random girl at a party with all the houses kissed Fred right on the lips.

"Hey take that back!" Fred went right on top of me and started tickling me.

I started laughing so hard I couldn't even breathe. I started snorting like a hog. "F-f-Fred stop that tickles!"

"Not until you say you're sorry!" Fred laughed.

"Never!" I exclaimed.

"I have a better idea," I felt myself being lifted off the ground and the only thing that I could see, was Fred's ass.

"Fred what are you doing!" I yelled not too loud though.

"Throwing you in the lake," he laughed.

That was the last thing that I heard before I felt a cold sensation through my entire body. I felt water fill my nose and quickly put my hand over it. The water was freezing cold. I quickly swam to the surface and started looking for Fred.

It seemed like Fred had just disappeared. Before I could even think anything else, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. I flinched a little.

"Hey Gem," He said. Wow, Fred was hot when his hair had been underwater. I noticed that his chest was dripping water droplets and he had some hair hung in front of his eyes. We both looked into each other's eyes and leaned forward.

Our lips soon connected. Our lips were moving in sync. His lips tasted like salty water. (Sorry about that sentence). We continued like that before I remembered something. I pulled away from the kiss.

I snuck out of his arms and swam up to shore. He followed after me. "Hey, can we just forget that ever happened? If my parents ever found out about that I would be dead and you have a girlfriend and I don't support cheating."

"Yeah yeah sure," he stuttered out a little bit.

"Hey, I'm going to go back to the common room now, see you later," I smiled before walking away.

As I was walking back to the common room, I started thinking about the kiss that Fred and I had just shared moments ago. I started walking down the flights of stairs that I knew led to the dungeons.

I kept thinking to myself, no one can know about the kiss besides me and Fred. Not even Carly or Charlie. As much as they are my besties I couldn't ever think of someone overhearing the conversation or someone seeing the kiss.

I then remembered that the astronomy tower was the highest tower in the school. I ran back up the stairs and went to the stairs that led to the astronomy tower not caring about being on my wet clothes.

I raced up the stairs as fast as I could before landing at the base of the tower. I looked around and didn't see Draco anywhere. I noticed another staircase and decided to go up there.

I walked up those stairs and saw Draco standing at the edge of the tower hands gripping on the rails. He was peering down at the lake.

"Draco," I spoke softly. He turned and looked at me before ignoring me and looking back out over the ledge. "Draco whatever you saw-"

He cut me off, "I can't believe I just saw you snog one of those god awful Weasels down at the lake. I thought you were better than that, Gem."

"Draco," I started walking towards him. "It was just a kiss. Besides, it meant nothing. I-"

"It obviously meant something," He looked betrayed, hurt. "Kisses just don't mean anything. I may be your little brother and everything, but I just can't believe that my own perfect sister would go kiss someone as dirty as a Weasley. I have to tell mother and father about this."

"Draco, please your my brother, you know what father would do to me if he ever found out!" I shouted.

"I don't care!" He shouted back. "Not after what I just saw. Your nothing like what I thought you were! Maybe, your just as bad as the Weasleys!"

"Draco, I know you don't mean that," I said. "Yes they might be friends with muggle-borns and half-bloods, but they are a really loving family. But please don't I know you care, I know that, but you can keep a couple of things from mother and father."

"No!" He roared. "I can' trust you. You may be my older sister, but now that I know your friends with low lives like them I can't trust you again." Draco started walking towards the stairwell, but then stopped. "Oh, good luck finding friends that will actually accept you. I'm also pretty sure now that you kissed someone who has a girlfriend the rest of the Weasleys, Potter, and Granger will hate you."

With that, he walked off down the stairs. I fell to my knees and just sat there staring off into the distance. I saw Fred still sitting at our spot at the lake. I saw people walking back from Hogsmeade including my so-called 'friends'.

I thought about Draco telling everyone. Maybe it wasn't so bad. I was so wrong.

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