Chapter Nineteen

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A/N: This chapter may contain some innapropriate themes. Also it isn't innapropriate conetent, just some innapropraite sayings. Chapter includes swearing aswell.

Fred's POV

Gemma and I were taking a walk by the Black lake when we noticed something in the distance. "I wonder what that is."

"Well we can find out if you like," Gemma sighed slightly. I could tell that she was scared. That girl is the love of my life, but she is scared of everything.

"Hey," I said lifting her chin so she was looking up at my face. "There is nothing to be scared about. I won't let anything hurt you."

"I'm not scared," She scoffed.

"You sure about that?" I smirked and looked down out our now intertwined hands.

"Yes I'm totally sure about that," Gemma walked started running off into the forest, me following right behind her.

"Gemma why don't we go back to the castle, it's getting late," I reasoned. "Plus the new students are coming today."

"Well, I would think that Fred Weasley the supposedly brave Gryffindor would be more brave than that," She turned around to face me and smirked before grabbing my cheek with one of her hands as her other hand was holding onto to mine. "Besides, the only student that I care about is you."

"Is that so now?" I smirked looking down at her.

"Mm, it is," She said standing onto her tippy toes before brining my face down level with hers and connecting out lips.

The kiss soon deepened with my hands wrapped around her waist and her hands tugging at the roots of my hair. The only time we broke away from the kiss, was to catch our breaths. We were in the middle of a major snog session when I heard a twig snap. I gently pushed Gemma behind me before taking a step towards the sound. 

"Freddie, what was that?" Gemma asked grabbing my hand tightly.

I gave her hand a reassurng squeeze before answering, "I don't know, love. I'll find out."

I started walking deeper into the forrest, Gemma right behind me. I heard more twigs snapping before approaching where I had heard the last sound. We got to a clearing that had no trees or anything. "Do you see anything?"

"No nothing," I stated before turning around to look at her. "Do you?"

"No. Let's get back to the castle, this forest is giving me the creeps," Gemma started walking back out of the clearing and towards the way we had came from.

"I thought you weren't scared," I smiled down at her.

"Shut it Weasley," She said pushing me lightly.

"Oh you would love to shush me-" I was cut off by her yelling.

"Fredrick Gideon Weasley!" She exclaimed trying to contain her laughter. "We do not talk like that."

"Well what was I supposed to say?" I questoned.

"I don't know. Maybe something that doesn't insinuate shagging," She stated surprisingly very calmly.

"Let's just get back to the castle," I huffed wrapping my arm around her waist and walking back to the castle.

By the time we got back to the castle, it was probably around lunch time, but Gemma and I didn't have any classes in the afternoon today and we had already skived off all our morning classes. We had already missed lunch, so we decided to head to the kitchens to get some food from the house-elves. I tickled the pair before entering the kitchen Gemma staring at it in awe.

"This is beautiful!" She said her face lighting up.

I decided to joke around a little bit, "What all the house elves working?"

"No you git," She chuckled. "The achetecure of the kitchens. The pillars, the beams on the ceiling, the countertops. It's all so beautiful."

"Well, I would always want my house looking something like this," I sighed staring up at the ceiling.

"Hey, maybe one day, we'll have a house with a kitchen that looks just like this," Gemma smiled up at me as she squeezed my hand. As she realized what she had said, her face immediatly went the color of my hair. Which by the way is Weasley red. Which just basically means ginger.

"Is miss Gemma Malfoy saying that she wants to have a future with me?" I smiled sarcastically at my beautiful girlfriend standing in front of me.

"Maybe," She shrugged her shoulders smiling sheepishly.

"I'm fine with that," I smiled kissing her lightly on the lips before I noticed out of the corner of my eye a house elf running over to us.

"Hello mr. Weezy, ms. Malfoy, what can I get you?" The house elf asked politely.

"Uh, some chocolate covered strawberries, Chocolate Frogs, and two butterbeers please," I replied. The house elf skipped off to go tell the other house elves what to make, and Gemma looked at me. "What are you staring at me like that for?"

"No reason," She stated blowing the subject of her staring at me off.

"Are you sure you weren't admiring your amazing beautiful boyfriend?" I joked.

"Oh, I'm sure. I don't actually know where he is anyways," she started to look around for her amazing, beautiful boyfriend, but couldn't find him anywhere.

"Are you sure he's not standing right in front of you?" I chuckled turning around in a circle.

"I'm sure," She giggled.

God I loved her giggle. It sounded as though the earth was making a delightful squeal that would send the world int a cteness overload. Or a puppy dog wanting to play with their owner.

"I've always wanted a dog," I stated a random fact about myself.

"Really?" Gemma looked very confused.

"Yeah, my familly could never afford one, but maybe in the future," I said just as the house elf came running back over to us with the chocolate frogs, chocolate covered strawberries, and the two butterbeers.

"I've never been a fan of dogs, but I guess they can't be that bad. I mean I have never met one before, so I don't really have that much of a say," She said.

"You have never even seen a dog before?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Yeah," She replied, "I was raised by the Malfoys. What do you expect?"

"Well, I just thought that maybe they would have let you see a dog before," I stated cooly.

"Nope," She sighed. "Anyways, we should probably go get ready for the welcoming feast for the students coming."

"But the foods not done yet," I whined giving her my best puppy dog eyes.

"Alright, we'll finish this food first, but we have to get ready after," She told me declaring a deal.

"Alright," I groaned before shoving a straberry into my mouth which made her laugh.

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