Chapter Thirteen

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Gemma's POV

I was in my dorm, getting ready for the party that was to occur later tonight. I slipped on a tight dark green dress that went down to the mid thigh area of my leg. Charlie was wearing a black dress that went down to her knee, Carly was wearing a nice navy blue crop top and black shorts. Maeve was still hanging out with Cory.

Marcus and Vicky then walked into the room both wearing black jeans and white t-shirts that stuck to their body.

"Hello boys," Carly said, walking over and kissing Vicky on the cheek.

"Hey darling," Vicky gave her a quick peck on the lips. He then wrapped his arm around her waist.

Marcus walked towards me and kissed my forehead.

"Could you people be any more gross?" Charlie scoffed.

"Why is it gross that I want to kiss my girlfriend?" Vicky retorted.

"No it's gross that you all have to do it in public," Charlie responded. "Anyways, I'm going to go see if Greengrass wants to hang."

"Why would you go talking to her?" Marcus asked as Charlie was about to walk out the door.

"Well, maybe because she is the only other gay kid in this damn house that maybe my parents would allow me to talk to," Charlie rolled her eyes at Marcus. Then opened the door and walked out.

Before she closed it though, I yelled. "Don't stay too long or you'll miss the party! You wouldn't want that to happen would you!?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world!" She yelled back.

Another hour passed, and it was time for the party. Marcus and I walked hand in hand down the stairs, while Vicky had his arm wrapped around Carly's shoulders. We walked out of the common room door and down a corridor that led to the room of requirement. The doors must have already known what we were thinking, because they were already built once we got there.

Marcus, Carly, Vicky, and I must have got there early because there were only a couple of Hufflepuffs, a handful of Gryffindors, two Ravenclaws, and maybe fifteen Slytherins. We walked over towards a couch that was empty and sat down on it. I was resting my head on Marcus's chest and had my feet on Vicky's legs. Carly was resting on the arm of the couch.
I then saw Maeve and Cory walking over to us. The party must have been getting closer towards the time that it was supposed to start because more and more people were showing up. The people included my old Gryffindor friends.

"I'm going to go get myself a drink," I sat up and swung my legs onto the floor. "Anyone want anything?"

"Get me a butterbeer," Carly answered.

"I'll take a firewhisky," Marcus stated. "Make that three of them and another butterbeer."

I nodded my head and walked towards the drink table. When I got over there, I started scoping out the party. I saw my friends laughing and talking on the couch in the corner, I saw my ex friends talking to each other, and I saw people from other houses snogging in any concealed corner. I was broken out of my daze when I heard someone's voice.

"Hey Gemma," The voice said, making me jump a little bit. I turned towards the voice and saw who it was.

"Weasley," I nodded.

"On a last name basis now are we Malfoy?" He asked me.

"Apparently we are Weasley," I smirked.

"How's Flint treating you?" He asked, smirking.

"Good. How's Johnson?" I turned towards Fred.

"We broke up actually," He stated, drinking down the last of his drink which I assumed was firewhisky.

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