Chapter Fourteen

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It landed on the one person I didn't want it to land on.

Fred Weasley.

I stared down at the bottle, thinking out my decision. Marcus was glaring daggers at me as if to say, if you kiss him it won't end well.

"You know what," I whispered under my breath. "Fuck it."

I grabbed Fred's face and crushed his lips onto mine. I remembered the day at the lake when we first kissed, it felt like he and I were the only things that mattered in the world. Our lips moving in perfect sync and he licked my bottom lip asking for entrance to explore my mouth.

I obliged and our tongues collided together in a mess of lust. We didn't break apart until someone cleared their throat. I sat back down on the ground and saw Marcus's face.

I smirked at him before speaking, "It's just a kiss right?"

"Alright, I'm getting tired," Charlie stated standing up. "I'm going back to the dorm, Gem you coming?"

"Yeah sure," I stood up from where I was sitting, and Charlie and I walked towards the door to leave.

"What was that kiss about?" Charlie asked as the doors to the room of requirement shut.

"It was just a kiss," I shrugged it off. "Like I said."

"I thought you two had feelings for each other," Charlie said.

"Not anymore," I continued walking down the corridor. "I can't risk getting exposed for being friends with them. It's not good for my family's reputation for my parents' daughter to apparently be seen with 'blood traitors' and 'mud bloods."

"Alright then," Charlie stopped walking. "How much you want to be that Carly is sleeping in Vicky's dorm?"

"Ten galleons," I answered.

"You're on," Charlie whispered as we walked down the corridors making sure not to get caught by any of the teachers.

We continued walking down towards the dungeons. We arrived at the entrance to the Slytherin common room and noticed a large crowd standing around the door. I noticed that within the crowd, no one was wearing any Slytherin robes. Then I saw their faces.

"Hermione, Harry, Ron?" I asked. They definitely heard me, because they jumped what looked to be a mile away from us. "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in your common room?"

"Um well..." Harry started to say.

"We actually came to look for you," Hermione said looking down at her feet.

"Why would you be looking for me?" I asked. "We're not friends remember."

"Well, it's kind of important." Ron sheepishly answered. "We may no longer be friends, but we still care about you."

"Charlie, can you head into the common room?" I asked. She nodded her head before entering the common room. "Alright, what is it?"

"It's Ginny," Harry stated.
Even though I was no longer friends with these people, I still cared for them deeply. I always thought of Ginny as my little sister, so for something to happen to her got me on edge. "Alright, let's go."

They all nodded their heads and led me to the Gryffindor common room. They made me cover my ears so I couldn't hear the password. The four of us walked into basically a deserted common room. There was no one in the room anyway. Well, no one besides the four of us and Ginny.

The one thing about Ginny though, was that she never cried. She was always really strong. Even when it came to death or losing her favorite toy. That was always the funny thing about Ginny, no matter how many times you would push her off the cliff she would never break or snap. She would just simply fight back.

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