Chapter Five

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Fred's POV

It had been two weeks since I had gotten into that fight with Marcus. Gemma and I have not spoken aincw then and I wouldn't blame her. I did call her a word that you should never call a woman. Maybe I should try to move on, and since the Triwizars tournament is coming up along with the Yule Ball maybe it will be easier to move on.

I walked into the common room from my walk at the lake. I noticed Angelina was the only person in the common room and decided to talk to her.

"Hey Angelina," I slid into the seat next to her. I noticed she was doing homework, but I couldn't tell from which class. All the classes here confused me.

"Hey Fred!" Angelina looked up from her homework. "I was wondering, since there is a Hogsmeade trip coming up would you maybe like to go together?"

I was very surprised that she had asked this. "Sure!"

"Thanks! Katie is always bragging about that stupid Cormac Mclaggen in fifth year. It's so annoyin-" I cut her off as I crashed my lips onto hers. What was I doing? I didn't like. Angelina this way, or maybe I did.

The kiss wasn't what I was hoping for what my first kiss would be. I hoped it would be with another girl, who had blood purist parents and didn't care about what they wanted for her. He wanted his first kiss to be special and endearing, but that wasn't what this was.

If you don't believe that I haven't had my first kiss then that's your own problem because I sure have left all my firsts and I mean all of them to Miss Gemma Capri Malfoy. I pulled away from the kiss and saw her smile.

"What was that?" She asked with a slight giggle in her voice.

"Um I don't know," I blushed slightly. I hated this, but it is the only way I will most likely get over Gemma. Angelina wasn't all the bad looking, but she just wasn't Gemma Malfoy.

"Well, I think that we should head to dinner," She got out of her chair and walked up the stairs to the girls dormitories. Before she came back down I scribbled on a piece of blank parchment. I ran back down just minutes before Angelina came down.

I grabbed her hand and we started walking down the corridors to the great hall. When we got there I saw George and Lee, my two best friends, scoffing soup down both of their throats. I always thought that George and Lee would make a cute couple, but they didn't seem to like each other that way.

I turned my head and glanced at the Slytherin table looking for Gemma. I didn't see her, so I assumed that she was probably running a little late for dinner. When I didn't see her at all, after dinner was over I went looking for her.

One of her friends must have saw me going towards the dungeons because they yelled at me. "What do you think your doing?"

"Looking for someone," I states not turning my back to look at the person I was talking to.

"Well who are you looking for?" The voice asked.

"Gemma Malfoy, have you seen her?" I asked still not turning to look at the person behind me.

"She's not here," the voice spoke. "I think she went down to the lake to look for something."

"Thanks," I turned around and noticed that I was talking to Carly. She was always nice to me.

I ran down to the Black Lake as fast as I could. When I got there though she was already be comforted by Flint. I stalked back to the Gryffindor common room, ignoring Angelina, and went up to my dorm slamming the door shut.

I flopped down onto my bed and stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours. Of course, she probably wouldn't talk to me considering what I called her two weeks ago, but I would have apologized. Maybe I would have admitted my feelings for her. But then again, maybe not.

See, life was filled with choices that no one besides you can choose whether or not people want to be with you in life, maybe it doesn't work out. Or maybe people fall out of love. Or maybe some people just don't get enough time. Or maybe, someone else gets there first.

I got out of bed and walked towards the desk that I had finally remembered that I had wrote a note earlier for her. I unrolled it and checked to make sure, what it said was good and then decided to send it as annonymous. I figured no one would know my hand writing other than her.

Maybe she would do what it says. Or maybe, just maybe she wouldn't even show. Well, we will just have to wait until tomorrow.

Forbidden Love(Fred Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now